process-based app
A process-based app is an app created in AgilePoint NX that is a collection of processes, forms (eForms or external forms), and other application resources.
A process-based app can include one of these:
- One standalone process model.
- One parent process with any number of subprocesses.
Related Topics
- Modern Add An App Experience (Process-Based App)
- App Permissions screen
- Permission Groups, Roles, and Task Participants
- Delete an App
- Export an App
- Import App screen
- Configure the Demo Apps in AgilePoint Portal
- Clone App screen
- App Detail screen
- Export App activity
- Import App activity
- Clone an App
- Import an App
Video: Process-Based App (Modern)
Video: Process-Based App
Video: Create Your First App
Video: Process Designer Overview
Video: Create a Backup of an AgilePoint NX App
Video: Move an App to a Different AgilePoint NX Environment
About This Page
This page is a navigational feature that can help you find the most important information about this topic from one location. It centralizes access to information about the concept that may be found in different parts of the documentation, provides any videos that may be available for this topic, and facilitates search using synonyms or related terms. Use the links on this page to find the information that is the most relevant to your needs.
application, app, program, process, UI, user interface, form, eForm