
A collection of files and application resources for one or more apps that can be used for import and export. A package includes one or more apps and all the associated resources, or a configurable list of resources, including process models, eForms, entities, access tokens, custom JavaScript and CSS files, permissions, and others. A package can also include application resources that are not directly associated with the app, such as global access tokens or global JavaScript or CSS files.

App Owners and users with Administrators role can create a package and configure the permission for the package. Global Package Owners and Package Owners can access the package to configure, export, and import all resources related to the package as a .Zip file.

Related Topics


  • (Example) Create a Package
  • Examples - Step-by-step use case examples, information about what types of examples are provided in the AgilePoint NX Product Documentation, and other resources where you can find more examples.

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package, application resource, file, app