Configure Demo Apps in AgilePoint NX Portal

To configure apps in your AgilePoint NX Portal, do the procedure in this topic.

Video: Add Demo App Templates to a Tenant


How to Start

  1. On your AgilePoint Server machine, open the folder (AgilePoint Server instance installation folder) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointServerInstance\Master_Portal\Modules\AgilePoint.Portal.AppBuilder\App_Data\AppTemplates


  1. Open the file repository.xml.
  2. Add or change these attributes in the repository.xml file for your each of your demo applications.
    <AppEntry Name="[Your Application Name]" InternalName="[Name of Your Application]" Version="[application version]"> 
      <SourceInfo Type="[Location of the application: local or remote]">
      <Location>./Repository/[Existing Name of Your Application].zip</Location>
            [URL of your video that explains the usage of the application]
            [URL of your video that explains how to deploy the application]
            [URL of the document that has procedures on how to deploy the application]
      <Description>[Description for your application]</Description> 


    <AppEntries xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
      <AppEntry Name="HR Expense Report" InternalName="Expense Report" Version="1.0">
        <SourceInfo Type="local">
        <Description>Use the Expense Report app to enter expenses, get manager approval, and send to accounting for payment.</Description>
  3. Place the application packages in the folder (AgilePoint Server instance installation folder) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointServerInstance\Master_Portal\Modules\AgilePoint.Portal.AppBuilder\App_Data\AppTemplates\Repository
  4. In the folder (NX Portal installation folder - v8.0 and lower) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointWebApplication\AgilePointPortal, open the web.config file in a text editor.
  5. Add or change this key to the web.config file .
    <add key="DemoAppsPackageEnabled" value="true"/> 
  6. On the Start Tour screen, click Demo Apps to see the list of applications.