CSS is a markup language that specifies how a web page looks. You can use CSS to customize your AgilePoint NX applications.

Integrations and Connectors

AgilePoint NX integrates in these ways with CSS:

  • Custom CSS in App Builder
  • Custom CSS in eForm Builder
  • Custom CSS in Page Builder

Custom CSS in App Builder

You can create custom CSS code snippets to use in AgilePoint NX apps.

For more information, refer to Add CSS to an Application.

Figure: CSS StyleSheet Screen

CSS StyleSheet Screen

Custom CSS in eForm Builder

You can create a custom CSS code snippets to use in eForms. You can use the same shared CSS for all eForms and form controls in an AgilePoint NX app.

Figure: Form CSS Screen

Form CSS Screen
Figure: Shared Form CSS Screen

Shared Form CSS Screen

Custom CSS in Page Builder

You can create custom CSS code snippets in Page Builder to use on custom pages.

For more information, refer to Custom CSS screen.

Figure: Custom CSS screen

CSS File Screen

Related Topics


Video: Use Custom CSS with eForms

About This Page

This page is a navigational feature that can help you find the most important information about this topic from one location. It centralizes access to information about the concept that may be found in different parts of the documentation, provides any videos that may be available for this topic, and facilitates search using synonyms or related terms. Use the links on this page to find the information that is the most relevant to your needs.


CSS, Cascading Style Sheets, formatting