Add a CSS Code Snippet to an eForm

To add a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) code snippet to an eForm, do the procedure in this topic.

Figure: CSS Code Snippet screen

CSS Code Snippet screen

Video: Use Custom CSS with eForms

Video: eForm Builder Interface

Video: Form Designer Overview


  • (Example) Use Custom CSS in an eForm
  • Advanced Examples

    For more advanced or complex examples or specific information about how to solve a specific business problem or use case, AgilePoint recommends the following resources:

    • AgilePoint Community Forums - A free, AgilePoint-moderated, crowd-sourcing user forum where you can ask questions about specific techniques, the solutions to use cases, workarounds, or other topics that may not be covered in the Product Documentation.
    • Video Portal - Video walkthroughs for a range of simple and advanced tasks in AgilePoint NX.
    • Professional Services - If you can not find the information you need for your specific business problem, mentoring is available through AgilePoint Professional Services.
    • Personalized Training - AgilePoint can provide personalized training for your organization. To request personalized training, contact AgilePoint Sales.

How to Start

  1. On the Application Explorer screen, do one of these:
  2. On the eForm Builder screen, click CSS CSS icon.


  1. On the Form CSS screen, enter your CSS code as necessary, without headers.


    .center {
        text-align: center;
        color: red;