Create an E-mail Template for an Approval with Plain Text
To create an e-mail template with plain text for e-mail that participants will use to approve a request, do the procedure in this topic.
How to Start
- Do one of these:
- To create or change an e-mail template
in the App Builder, do this procedure.
- Do one of these:
- On the Application Explorer screen, do one of these:
- In the Process Builder, in the My Application pane, expand
your application, and do one of these:
- Click Notification
- Click E-mails
- Do one of these:
- To create an e-mail template, click New
- To change an e-mail template, click the template, and click Edit
- To create an e-mail template, click New
- Click E-mails
- Click Process Model
- Double-click your process.
- Click Notification
> E-mail Template
- On the E-mail Template screen, in the Model Template, click Add
- Click Notification
- To create or change a global e-mail template, do this procedure.
- To create a global e-mail template, do this procedure
- In the Manage Center, click
App Builder
> Global E-mail Templates.
- On the Global E-mail Templates screen,
click Add E-mail Template
- In the Manage Center, click
App Builder
- To change a global e-mail template, do this procedure
- In the Manage Center, click
App Builder
> Global E-mail Templates.
- On the Global E-mail Templates screen, select your e-mail template.
- Click Edit E-mail Template
- In the Manage Center, click
App Builder
- To create a global e-mail template, do this procedure
- To create or change an e-mail template
in the App Builder, do this procedure.
- On the New E-mail Template screen, complete the fields as necessary except the Content or E-mail Body field.
- Complete the body field with these guidelines.
- Xpath-Node represents a valid Xpath node — for example, {/pd:MyFields/pd:Approval}
- Value represents the value you want to pass when the user selects this option. A common usage is True or False. The action that is selected with the X will be processed along with any information in the remarks section.
- Approved or rejected options:
Note that the terms used in the email can follow the format approved/rejected, or yes/no.
Approval Keywords Rejection Keywords {Approve [] = {Xpath-Node}=Value} {Reject [] = {Xpath-Node}=Value} {Approved [] = {Xpath-Node}=Value} {Rejected [] = {Xpath-Node}=Value} {Yes [] = {Xpath-Node}=Value} {No[] = {Xpath-Node}=Value} - {Remarks [] = {Xpath-Node}} Note: The Remarks should be entered between the [] in Remarks [].
- {Comments [] = {Xpath-Node}}
You can use this example as a guide.Approval Information Please put X between [] for Approved or Rejected. Additional remark/comment can be entered between Remarks [] {Approved [] = {pdmyFields/pd:Approved}=True} {Rejected [] = {pdmyFields/pd:Approved}=False} {Remarks [This is a test] = {pdmyFields/pd:Remark}}