Create a Timer for an Activity

To create a timer for an activity, do the procedure in this topic.

Good to Know

  • In most text fields, you can use process data variables as an alternative to literal data values.
  • If the user creates a timer, a new arrow shows on the activity, which represents an if/then condition. If the timer expires, then the process goes in a different direction. To specify what happens if the timer expires, connect the dotted red arrow to another process activity.

How to Start

  1. On the Application Explorer screen, do one of these:
  2. Add an Activity to a Process.
  3. Click Activity Settings Activity Settings icon.
  4. Click Add Timer Add Timer icon.


  1. Click Process Activity Toolbar Process Activity Toolbar icon > Configure Activity Configure Activity icon.
  2. On the General Configuration screen, complete this field.
    Field Name Definition

    Time to Complete

    Specifies the maximum amount of time that should be allowed for the completion of the task associated with this activity before it is considered Overdue. This is a combination of a number of minutes, hours, days, or weeks.
    Accepted Values:
    A number of minutes, hours, days, or weeks.
    Default Value:
    1 Day
    Accepts Process Data Variables: