Text Box form control
A form control that lets a form user enter one line of text.

Configure the Text Box form control
To configure
Text Box
do the procedure in this topic.
Video: Add a Text Box Control to eForm
Video: Form Designer Overview
Video: Common Configuration Settings in eForm Controls
- (Example) Create an eForm to Start the Process (Create Absence Request)
- (Example) Create an eForm (Set Available Leave Hours)
- Examples - Step-by-step use case examples, information about what types of examples are provided in the AgilePoint NX Product Documentation, and other resources where you can find more examples.
How to Start
- Open eForm Builder.
For information about how to open this screen, refer to eForm Builder screen.
- On the eForm Builder screen, in the Tool Box, open the Commmon Controls tab.
- On the
Common Controls tab, drag a Text Box
form control onto your eForm.
General tab - Text Box
Specifies the basic configuration for the Text Box form control.

Field Name | Definition |
Label |
Internal Name |
Default Value |
Help Text |
Help Text Display |
Configure tab - Text Box
Configures the settings that are specific to the Text Box form control.

Field Name | Definition |
Required |
Validation Message for Required Field |
Maximum Length |
Text Box Validation Message |
Enable Barcode Scanner On Mobile Devices |
Appearance tab - Text Box
Specifies the look and feel for the Text Box form control.

Field Name | Definition |
Font Family |
Font Style |
Background Color |
Border Color |
Foreground Color |
Apply Font Properties To Control |
Label CSS Class |
Field CSS Class |
Container CSS Class |
Font Size (px) |
Behavior tab - Text Box
Specifies how the Text Box control shows on your form.

Field Name | Definition |
Enabled |
Read-Only |
Right To Left |
Visible |
Text Align |
Label Position |
Advanced tab - Text Box
Specifies the advanced settings for the Text Box form control.

Field Name | Definition |
Field ID |
Validation Mask |
Validation Format |
JavaScript Event |
JavaScript Function |
Data Security Settings |
Show On Tablet Devices |
Show On Mobile Phone Devices |