Properties for System Activities

Configures the activity properties for system activities.

Figure: Properties (Create List Item) screen

Properties screen

Good to Know

How to Start

  1. Open Process Builder.

    For information about how to open this screen, refer to Process Builder.

    Open Process Builder
  2. In Process Builder, in the Activity Library, drag any system activity onto your process.

    Drag System Activity
  3. Select a system activity.

    Select System Activity
  4. Click Properties > Activity Properties.

    Click Activity Properties

Show Properties

Field NameDefinition

Show Properties

Specifies which activity properties to show.
Allowed Values:
  • All - Shows all the activity properties.
  • Common - Shows the commonly used activity properties.
  • Configured - Shows the activity properties that are configured for the activity.
  • Required - Shows the activity properties that are mandatory.
Default Value:


Field NameDefinition


Shows the name of the activity.

The name is defined within the source code for the activity. It shows the name for your information only.

Allowed Values:
Read only.
Default Value:
The name of the activity.

Display Name

Specifies the activity name that shows in your process.
Allowed Values:
One line of text that can have spaces.

Click the Ellipses button to open the General Configuration screen. Use this screen to complete the Display Name field.

Default Value:
Accepts Variables:


Specifies an optional text description for your activity.
Allowed Values:
More than one line of text.

Click the Ellipses button to open the General Configuration screen. Use this screen to complete the Description field.

Default Value:
Accepts Variables:


Field NameDefinition

Incoming Email

Specifies the name of an activity initiation email used to generate an automatic email notification when the activity starts at runtime.
Allowed Values:
  • An existing e-mail template - Applies the selected, predefined email template.
  • Add new e-mail template - Opens the E-mail Notifications screen, where you can create a new e-mail template.

Click the Ellipses button to open the E-mail Notifications screen.

Default Value:
Accepts Variables:

Outgoing Email

Specifies the name of an activity completion email used to send a message when a task is Completed.
Allowed Values:
  • An existing e-mail template - Applies the selected, predefined email template.
  • Add new e-mail template - Opens the E-mail Notifications screen, where you can create a new e-mail template.

Click the Ellipses button to open the E-mail Notifications screen.

Default Value:
Accepts Variables:


Field NameDefinition


Tracks the performance of an activity for the purpose of troubleshooting.
Allowed Values:
  • True - Shows that the activity logs the additional progress and debugging messages to the AgilePoint Server log file at runtime. Debugging information includes, for example, data being passed to or from the activity, or database connection information.

    These messages help in verifying that the activity is functioning properly and/or with troubleshooting any problems or suspected problems with the activity's runtime behavior or configuration.

  • False - Shows that the activity does not log additional progress and debugging messages to the AgilePoint Server log file at runtime.
Default Value:
Accepts Variables:

Ignore Errors

Specifies whether to ignore error messages from a PowerShell command.
Allowed Values:
  • True - Ignores error messages from a PowerShell command, and moves to the next command.
  • False - Stops the script execution at the point an error occurs.
Default Value:

Wait All Incoming

Specifies which direct predecessor activities to wait for before starting the activity at runtime.
Allowed Values:
  • False - Specifies that the activity starts as soon as any one of the activity's direct predecessors is Completed.
  • True (Static) - Specifies that the activity starts only after all of the activity's direct predecessors are Completed.All other activities process are ignored.

    This setting is the logically the same as having an And activity with Dynamic set to False.

  • True (Dynamic) - Specifies that the activity starts only after all of the activity's direct predecessors are Completed, along with all preceding activities in the process branch. This setting ignores activities that are skipped or bypassed because of the process logic or manual action in the Manage Center.

    If any of activities in the process branch is delayed or does not start, this activity will not start, the process instance can be delayed indefinitely at this activity.

    This setting is the logically the same as having an And activity with Dynamic set to True.

This topic gives details and examples for this property's configuration:
Default Value:

Wait For Complete

Specifies whether a parent process waits for the subprocess to complete.
Allowed Values:
  • True - The parent process waits for the subprocess to complete.
  • False - The parent process continues to run after the subprocess starts. It does not wait for the subprocess to complete.
Default Value:

Audit Level

Specifies the amount of process related data that is stored to the AgilePoint NX workflow database. You can set this property at either the process template properties level or at the individual activity level.
Allowed Values:
  • High - Specifies that AgilePoint NX stores all data about the activity or process to the database.
  • Low - Specifies that AgilePoint NX will only store limited data to the database. This option enables you to selectively filter out unnecessary data.
    • At the process model level, the records for tasks with status of Removed and New are deleted from the database. After leaving the human task activity, the human task with the status of Removed are deleted first, then after the whole process completes, the tasks with status of New are deleted. Also the records for unreached activity instances are deleted from the database.

      Setting the Audit Level to Low has no effect on system activities at the process model level.

    • At the activity level for system activities, the records are deleted from database after the activity completes. No records are stored for the activity.
Default Value:
Setting the Audit Level to Low at the process model level is useful if you assign a group to a task. Tasks with status of Removed and New are not meaningful data after the process completes.

Setting the Audit Level to Low at the activity level is useful for an activity with a timer that goes through a large number of loops. Usually organizations are not interested in the information about the Timer activity, so setting the audit level for a Timer activity to Low deletes the records now, and the database size does not grow as fast.

Session Mode

Specifies how to manage an open tasks if the same human task activity runs more than one time within a process instance.
Allowed Values:
  • Single - If the same activity runs more than one time in a process instance, any task that is not complete from a previous iteration are Cancelled, and a New task is created.
  • Multiple - If the same activity runs more than one time in a process instance, a new task is created, but any tasks that are not open from previous iterations are not cancelled.
Default Value:


Specifies which direct predecessor activities to wait for before starting the activity at runtime.
Allowed Values:
  • True - Specifies that the activity starts only after all of the activity's direct predecessors are Completed, along with all preceding activities in the process branch. This setting ignores activities that are skipped or bypassed because of the process logic or manual action in the Manage Center.

    This setting is the logically the same as setting the Wait All Incoming property for a system activity to True (Dynamic).

  • False - Specifies that the activity starts only after all of the activity's direct predecessors are Completed.All other activities process are ignored.

    If any of activities in the process branch is delayed or does not start, this activity will not start, the process instance can be delayed indefinitely at this activity.

    This setting is the logically the same as setting the Wait All Incoming property for a system activity to True (Static).

Default Value:
Accepts Variables:
These topics give detailed procedures and examples for this property's configuration:


Specifies the process activities to cancel when the process enters the Or activity.
Allowed Values:
Read only.
Default Value:
Nearest Incoming Activity
Accepts Variables:


Specifies if you can configure the activities to cancel once the process enters the Or activity.
Allowed Values:
  • True - You have the option to cancel the activities you specify.

    However, if this property is set to True, and you do not configure the Or Configuration screen, the activity behaves the same as if this property were set to False.

  • False - You do not have the option to cancel the activities you specify. The activity will continue to handle all the incoming activities.
Default Value:
Accepts Variables:

Status And Error Message

Field NameDefinition

On Exception Occurred

Specifies the action to take when an exception occurs.
Allowed Values:
  • Suspend - Writes an error to the error log and suspends the process.
  • Continue - Writes an error to the error log, and moves the process forward.
Default Value:
Accepts Variables:

Save Status To

Specifies a process data variable that is updated when the activity is exited at runtime. The activity's Status property is stored as a String as the value of the specified custom process attribute.
Allowed Values:
The text of a process data variable name, without $ or ${. For example, Success is a valid value, but $Success is not.
Default Value:

Save Error Message To

Specifies a custom process attribute that is updated when the activity throws an error at runtime. A message containing information about the error is stored as the value of the specified custom process attribute.
Allowed Values:
An error message.
Default Value:

Exception Handler Scope

Specifies whether AgilePoint Server has the ability to call a custom AgileConnector to handle exceptions.
Allowed Values:
  • Local - Specifies the exception handling information for an activity is saved to the custom attribute defined in the Save Error Message To and Save Status To properties for the process instance.
  • Global - Specifies the exception handling information is handled the same as the Local option, but includes the extended ability to call a custom AgileConnector to handle the exception as desired.
Default Value:


Field NameDefinition

Assembly Name

The name of the .NET assembly that holds the specific system activity component with which this activity instance is associated.
Allowed Values:
Read only.

Class Name

The fully qualified Type name, including the namespace, of the .NET class (in the .NET assembly specified by the Assembly Name property) that represents the system activity component with which this activity instance is associated.
Allowed Values:
Read only.


The name of the method that will be invoked when the activity is entered at runtime. The name of the method specified by the Class Name property in the .NET class.
Allowed Values:
Read only.