Subprocess activity

An activity that starts a process as a child of the current process. You can use the child process to complete activities related to the parent process.

Subprocess activity

Configure the Subprocess activity

To configure the Subprocess activity, do the procedure in this topic.


  • (Example) Create a Subprocess
  • Examples - Step-by-step use case examples, information about what types of examples are provided in the AgilePoint NX Product Documentation, and other resources where you can find more examples.

Good to Know

How to Start

  1. Open Process Builder.

    For information about how to open this screen, refer to Process Builder.

    Open Process Builder
  2. In Process Builder, in the Activity Library, open the Common tab.

    Open Common tab
  3. On the Common tab, drag the Subprocess activity onto your process.

    Drag Subprocess activity


  1. Complete the fields on the General Configuration screen.
  2. Click Subprocess Subprocess icon.
  3. On the Subprocess screen, do one of these:
    • To use a specified process model for your subprocess, do this procedure.
      1. Select Predefined Subprocess (Only From This App) or Predefined Subprocess (From All The App).
      2. Click Subprocess Template Subprocess Template icon.
      3. On the Subprocess Model screen, in the Subprocess Model field, select the process from the list.
      4. Click Subprocess Configuration Subprocess Configuration icon.
      5. On the Subprocess Configuration screen, do this procedure.
        1. To specify the format for the name of the subprocess, do one of these:
          • To use the name of the process model to create the process instance name, in the Subprocess Instance Name Format field, select Name .
          • Select Custom to specify a different format.

            In the Custom field, enter the name of the process, or drag a process data variable from the Process Data screen.

        2. (Optional) To add a GUID to the custom subprocess name, select If the subprocess name already exists, append the name with @${GUID}.
        3. To specify the name of the process that starts the subprocess, do one of these:
          • To let the parent process start the subprocess, in the Subprocess Initiator Name, select Process Initiator.
          • To let a different process start the subprocess, select Custom.

            In the Custom field, enter the name of the process, or drag a process data variable from the Process Data screen.

      6. Click Subprocess Mapping Attributes Subprocess Mapping Attributes icon.
      7. On the Mapping Attributes screen, do one of these:
        • To share all the process data variables from parent to child, select Share all Attributes (Basic).
        • To copy all the process data variables from parent to child, select Copy all Attributes (Advanced).
        • To specify variables to share from parent to child, do this procedure.
          1. Select Map Specific Attributes (Advanced).
          2. Click Schema Mapping Schema Mapping icon.
          3. On the Schema Mapper screen, drag the variables from the parent process model schema to child process model schema as necessary to connect them.
    • To use a subprocess you created based on a variable in schema, do this procedure.
      1. Select Dynamic Subprocess (Advanced).
      2. Click Subprocess Configuration Subprocess Configuration icon.
      3. On the Subprocess Configuration screen, do this procedure.
        1. In the Subprocess Model field, enter the name of the process, or drag a process data variable from the Process Data screen.
        2. To specify the format for the name of the subprocess, do one of these:
          • To use the name of the process model to create the process instance name, in the Subprocess Instance Name Format field, select Name .
          • Select Custom to specify a different format.

            In the Custom field, enter the name of the process, or drag a process data variable from the Process Data screen.

        3. (Optional) To add a GUID to the custom subprocess name, select If the subprocess name already exists, append the name with @${GUID}.
        4. To specify the name of the process that starts the subprocess, do one of these:
          • To let the parent process start the subprocess, in the Subprocess Initiator Name, select Process Initiator.
          • To let a different process start the subprocess, select Custom.

            In the Custom field, enter the name of the process, or drag a process data variable from the Process Data screen.

      4. Click Subprocess Mapping Attributes Subprocess Mapping Attributes icon
      5. On the Mapping Attributes screen, do one of these:
        • To share all the process data variables from parent to child, select Share all Attributes (Basic).
        • To copy all the process data variables from parent to child, select Copy all Attributes (Advanced).
        • To specify variables to share from parent to child, do this procedure:
          1. Select Map Specific Attributes (Advanced).
          2. Click Initial Attributes Initial Attributes icon.

            An initial attribute is a process data variable in a subprocess that is populated with a value from the parent process when the parent process starts the subprocess.

          3. (Optional) To share the parent process's variables with the subprocess if the subprocess uses the same data, do this procedure.
            1. On the Initial Attributes screen, in the Name field, enter the name of a variable to connect with a subprocess.
            2. In the Value field, enter the value for the attribute, or drag a process data variable from the Process Data screen.

              The value in the child process is connected to the variable in the parent process.

            3. To add more attributes, click Add Add icon.
  4. (Optional) Click Advanced Advanced icon > Email Notifications E-mail Notifications icon.

    For more information, refer to Email Notifications screen (Process Activities).

General Configuration

Specifies the basic settings for the Subprocess activity.

Figure: General Configuration screen

General Configuration screen


Field NameDefinition

Display Name

Specifies the activity name that shows in your process.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).


  • Letters
  • Numbers
  • Spaces
Default Value:
Accepts Variables:
This is a common configuration field that is used in many examples. Refer to:
  • Examples - Step-by-step use case examples, information about what types of examples are provided in the AgilePoint NX Product Documentation, and other resources where you can find more examples.


Specifies an optional text description for your activity.
Allowed Values:
More than one line of text.
Default Value:
Accepts Variables:


Specifies the type of subprocess you want.

Figure: Subprocess screen

Subprocess screen


Field NameDefinition

Predefined Subprocess (Only From This App) / Predefined Subprocess (From All The App) / Dynamic Subprocess (Advanced)

Specifies the process you use as your subprocess, or the format for the name of your subprocess.
Allowed Values:
  • Predefined Subprocess (Only From This App) - Specifies the process model within this app to use as the subprocess.
  • Predefined Subprocess (From All The App) - Specifies the process model within any app to use as the subprocess.
  • Dynamic Subprocess (Advanced) - Specifies a custom variable process name format to select process to use dynamically as the subprocess.
Default Value:
Predefined Subprocess (Only From This App)
Refer to:

Subprocess Model

Specifies the process model for a subprocess.

Figure: Subprocess Model screen

Subprocess Model screen


Field NameDefinition

Subprocess Model

Specifies the name of the process.
Allowed Values:
A valid process name.
Default Value:
Refer to:


Specifies the version number of the subprocess.
Allowed Values:
A version number from the list.
Default Value:
Accepts Variables:

View Subprocess View Subprocess icon

Opens the subprocess in a new tab.
To Open this Field:
  • In the Subprocess Model field, select the subprocess name.

This field is available in these releases:

Zoom In (+) Zoom Out (-)

Allows you to increase / reduce the size of your process to view more detail or less detail about the process.

Subprocess Configuration

Specifies the format for the name of the subprocess. For example, the format can contain the name of the subprocess, the session ID, and the name of the Subprocess activity in the parent process. You can use the name to manage your processes in Manage Center.

Figure: Subprocess Configuration screen

Subprocess Configuration screen


  • (Example) Create a Subprocess
  • Examples - Step-by-step use case examples, information about what types of examples are provided in the AgilePoint NX Product Documentation, and other resources where you can find more examples.


Field NameDefinition

Subprocess Model

Specifies the name of the process that starts as a subprocess when the process goes to this activity.
Allowed Values:
The name of a process in your AgilePoint environment.

If you have specified process data variables, the schema link is available to configure the subprocess name based on your variables.

Default Value:
Accepts Variables:

Subprocess Instance Name Format

Specifies the name of the subprocess.
Allowed Values:
  • Name - Specifies the default format for the subprocess name. AgilePoint uses this format to generate the name.
  • Custom - Specifies your own format for the subprocess name.
Default Value:
Accepts Variables:

If the subprocess name already exists, append the name with @${GUID}

Adds a GUID to a custom subprocess name when the name already exists in the AgilePoint system.
Allowed Values:
  • Selected - Specifies that a GUID is added to the custom subprocess name.
  • Deselected - Specifies that a GUID is not added to the custom subprocess name.
Default Value:
Accepts Variables:

Subprocess Initiator Name

Specifies name of the process that initiates the subprocess.
Allowed Values:
  • Process Initiator - Determines that the parent process initiates the processing of the subprocess.
  • Custom - Specifies a process other than the parent process that initiates the activities of subprocess.
Default Value:
Process Initiator
Accepts Variables:

Mapping Attributes

Specifies how to map variables in a subprocess.

Figure: Mapping Attributes screen

Mapping Attributes screen


Field NameDefinition

Share All Attributes (Basic) / Copy All Attributes (Advanced) / Map Specific Attributes (Advanced)

Specifies if the parent process shares or copies all the process data variables or only the selected variables with the child subprocess.
Allowed Values:
  • Share All Attributes (Basic) - Shares all the process data variables from parent to child.

    This option is disabled if you select the Predefined Subprocess (From All The App) field on the Subprocess screen.

  • Copy All Attributes (Advanced) - Copies all the process data variables from parent to child.
  • Map Specific Attributes (Advanced) - Shares selected process data variables from parent to child.
Default Value:
Share All Attributes (Basic)

Initial Attributes

Specifies a set of process variables to pass to a subprocess. You can share the parent process's variables with the subprocess if the subprocess uses the same data.

The subprocess can have its own data only within the subprocess, or it can share its data with the parent process. For example, a subprocess can access the data of the parent process, such as the reviewer name and review completion date.

Figure: Initial Attributes screen

Initial Attributes screen


Field NameDefinition


The name of a variable you want to connect with the subprocess.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).

Not Accepted:

  • Spaces
Default Value:


The value in the child process to associate with the variable in the parent process.
Allowed Values:
An XML variable in the subprocess.
Default Value:
System.String - Indicates that AgilePoint system accepts the values as String data type only. In itself, this is not a valid value.
Accepts Variables:

Add Add icon

Adds a row.

Delete Delete icon

Deletes the row.