Process-Based App with Database as the Data Source (Modern)
This topic explains how to create a process-based app with database in the Modern Add an App Experience.
Background and Setup
- On the App Builder Process Designer Settings screen, set Default App Wizard Experience to Modern.
- AgilePoint NX OnDemand (public cloud), or AgilePoint NX Private Cloud or AgilePoint NX OnPremises v8.0 or higher.
Good to Know
- This topic applies to the Modern Add an App Experience. For the Classic Add an App Experience, refer to Process-Based App with Database Data Source (Classic).
How to Start
- Click App Builder.
- On the App Explorer screen, click Add App.
- On the What type of app would you like to build? screen, click Process-Based App.
What type of app would you like to build? screen
Configures the type of app to create.

Field Name | Definition |
App Type |
How will people identify your app? screen
Configures the basic information for your app.

Field Name | Definition |
App Name |
Language |
Category |
Description |
How do you want to set up your process? screen
Configures the basic information for your process.

Field Name | Definition |
Process Model Name |
Description |
Process Triggered By |
Number of Swimlanes |
Swimlanes Orientation |
Choose Theme |
Where do you want to store the data for your app? screen
Specifies to store and retrieve the data from database data source for your process-based app.

Field Name | Definition |
Select Data Source |
How do you want to set up your entity? > Configuration tab
Configures how to collect data from a database table for a process-based app.

Field Name | Definition |
Data Source Name |
Database |
Schema Name |
Primary Entity Name |
Autosave data in Database |
Save A Copy Of Data In NX |
How do you want to set up your entity? > Fields tab
Specifies the database columns to use in a process-based app.

Field Name | Definition |
Check box |
Display Name |
Data Type |
Required |
Unique |
How do you want to set up your entity? > Related Entities tab
Specifies related entity to use on your process for Salesforce.

- Complete the How do you want to set up your entity? > Configuration tab.
- The Related Entity tab is available if the primary entity has a related entity.
Good to Know
- The word entity on this screen refers to a container within your data model. For Data Entities or Salesforce, this container is called an entity. For a database, entity refers to a database table. For SharePoint Integration, entity refers to a SharePoint list. For Microsoft Excel, entity refers to an Excel table.
Field Name | Definition |
Check box |
Display Name |
Data Type |
Required |
Unique |
Anything else right now? screen
Configures the optional features for your process-based app in the Modern Add an App Experience.

Field Name | Definition |
Access Tokens |
Document Repositories |
Style Sheets | |
Groups and Roles |
Images |
JavaScript |
Who can access your app? screen
Configures the permission groups for an app.

Field Name | Definition |
App Owners |
App Designers |
App Initiators |
Report Viewers |