Tasks screen

Shows a summary of tasks that are assigned to you in Modern Work Center.

Tasks screen

Lets you view and manage the tasks that are assigned to you in Modern Work Center.

You can also view and manage the tasks that are assigned to your team, department, or group.

Figure: Tasks screen

Tasks screen


Field NameDefinition

Search By

Specifies the creteria to search the tasks.
Allowed Values:
  • Task Name - Does a search of the tasks based on the task name.
  • Process Instance Name - Does a search of the tasks based on the process instance name.

    Enter all or part of a process instance name to search.

  • Process Model Name - Does a search of the tasks based on the process model name.
Default Value:

The partial value search in the Process Instance Name option is available in these releases:


Configures the tasks to show.
Allowed Values:
  • All Tasks - Shows all the tasks for all users in your tenant.

    The tasks that show in the All Tasks view depends upon various settings. It shows a combination of the tasks that show in the My Tasks, My Direct Team, My Direct Team and Sub, My Department, My Groups, and My Group Peers views. However, if you are a member of an Administrator role, the All Tasks view also shows the tasks for users that are not related to you in any other view.

  • My Tasks - Shows the tasks where you are a participant, either as an individual user, a group member, or a member of a role.
  • My Direct Team - Shows your tasks, and the tasks for any users for whom you are listed as the manager.

    Tasks show in the My Direct Team view because your name is specified in the Manager field on a user's profile in the Manage Center. For more information, refer to Users.

  • My Department - Shows your tasks and the tasks for all the users in your department.

    Tasks show in the My Department view because the value of the Department field in your user profile in the Manage Center is the same as the value of the Department field in another user's profile For more information, refer to Users.

  • My Team And Subteams - Shows tasks for you, the members of your direct team, and the members of their direct teams. This is typically used by higher level managers.

    Tasks show in the My Team And Sub view because either your name is specified in the Manager field on a user's profile, or you are the manager of the user's manager. You can change the value of the Manager field in the Manage Center. For more information, refer to Users.

  • My Group - Shows your tasks and the tasks for all members of all groups for which you are the group lead.

    Tasks show in My Groups because a user is a member of a group where your name specified in the Group Lead field. You can change the members of a group or change the group lead in Manage Center. For more information, refer to Groups.

  • My Group Peers - Shows your tasks and the tasks for all members of all groups for which you are a member.

    Tasks show in the My Group Peers view because you are a member of a group with another user. You can add users to groups in the Manage Center. For more information, refer to Groups.

Default Value:
My Tasks

Group By

Specifies how to sort the tasks.
Allowed Values:
  • Status - Sorts the tasks based on the status.
  • Priority - Sorts the tasks based on the priority order.
  • Process - Sorts the tasks based on the processes.
Default Value:

Grid View

Specifies whether to show the tasks in a grid view.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows the tasks in a grid view.
  • Off - Shows the tasks in a card view.
Default Value:
Export CSV Export CSV icon
Downloads the contents of a tab to your local machine as a .csv file.

This field is available in these releases:

Filter Filter icon

Opens this Screen:
Filters screen
Specifies the types of tasks to show.

This field is available in these releases:

Save Custom View Custom View icon

Opens this Screen:
Save Custom View screen
Creates a custom view in Modern Work Center.

This field is available in these releases:


Specifies the importance of a task.
To Open this Field:
  1. In the task, click Edit Edit Process icon.
Allowed Values:
  • Normal - Specifies a normal priority task.
  • Low - Specifies a low priority task.
  • High - Specifies a high priority task.
Default Value:


Specifies an operation to perform on an assigned task.
Allowed Values:
Not all options are available for all users. Your settings and user permissions give your options.
  • View Process View Process icon - Opens the process in the Process Viewer.
  • Open Task Open Task icon - Opens the form or view for the selected task.
  • Reassign Task Reassign Task icon - You or any user from your tenant can reassign the task to a different user.
  • Take Assignment Take Assignment icon) - Assigns the task to you.

    This is applicable only when the task is assigned to a pool of users.

  • Take Assignment and Open Task Take Assignment and Open Task icon) - Assigns the task to you, and opens the task.

    This is applicable only when the task is assigned to a pool of users.

  • Cancel Process Cancel Process icon - Cancels the process.
  • Rework Task Rework icon - Starts a partial rework of a task that is Completed.
  • Task Details Task Details icon - Shows the details of the task.
  • Create Linked Work ItemCreate Linked Task icon - Creates a linked work item for other participants as necessary.
  • Cancel Task Cancel Task icon - Cancels the task.
  • Add To Watchlist Add To Watchlist icon - Adds the task to a watchlist.
  • Add To Planner Add To Planner icon - Adds the task to a planner.
  • eForm Report View eForms Report View icon - Shows an eForm you specify with the current data from the process instance.
  • Complete Task Complete Task icon - Completes the task and moves the process forward. The Wait Work Performed property for the task must be set to False.
  • Take Assignment and Complete Task Take Assignment and Complete Task icon - Assigns the task to you, and completes it.

    This is applicable only when the task is assigned to a pool of users.

Default Value:

Summary Fields

Shows the list of summary fields that are configured for an app.

App designers can add a summary field on the Summary Fields screen in App Builder.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the task list, click Expand Expand icon.
Allowed Values:
Read only.

This field is available in these releases:


Shows the status of the task.
Allowed Values:
Read only.

The status can be one of these:

  • New - Specifies a task that is New.
  • Assigned - Specifies a task that is Assigned.
  • Overdue - Specifies a task that is Overdue.

Task Name

Shows the name of the task.
Allowed Values:
Read only.

Process Instance Name

Shows the process instance name.
Allowed Values:
Read only.


Shows the name of the user who started the process.
Allowed Values:
Read only.


Shows the date or the number of days or hours the task was assigned to the participant.
Allowed Values:
Read only.


Shows the date the task is due to be completed or the number of days or hours the task is not completed from the time it is configured to complete.
Allowed Values:
Read only.

Process Model

Shows the name of the process model.
To Open this Field:
  1. Turn on the Grid View field.
Allowed Values:
Read only.

Assigned Date

Shows the date and time the task was assigned to the participant.
To Open this Field:
  1. Turn on the Grid View field.
Allowed Values:
Read only.

Due Date

Shows the date and time the task is due to be completed.
To Open this Field:
  1. Turn on the Grid View field.
Allowed Values:
Read only.
Refresh Refresh icon
Shows a new view of the screen content, with new changes.

Quick View screen

Lets you open an eForm in the Quick View pane on the Tasks tab in Modern Work Center.

You can view or submit the eForm quickly on the same tab. It is not necessary to open the eForm on a new tab.

Figure: Quick View screen

Quick View screen


Good to Know

  • By default, you can open up to 10 tabs in the Quick View pane. However, you can set a maximum number of tabs to open the form in the Quick View pane.

    For more information, refer to Work Center > Modern Work Center Settings tab.


Field NameDefinition

Open Task Open Task icon

Opens the form in a new tab.

Expand Expand icon

Expands the form at its maximum size.

Collapse Collapse icon

Restores the form size to the default view.
To Open this Field:
  1. Click Expand Expand icon.

Process Instance Name

Shows the process instance name.
To Open this Field:
  1. Click Expand Expand icon.
Allowed Values:
Read only.


Shows the status of the task.
To Open this Field:
  1. Click Expand Expand icon.
Allowed Values:
Read only.

The status can be one of these:

  • New - Specifies a task that is New.
  • Assigned - Specifies a task that is Assigned.
  • Overdue - Specifies a task that is Overdue.


Specifies the importance of a task.
To Open this Field:
  1. Click Expand Expand icon.
  2. Click Edit Edit Process icon.
Allowed Values:
  • Normal - Specifies a normal priority task.
  • Low - Specifies a low priority task.
  • High - Specifies a high priority task.
Default Value:


Specifies an operation to perform on an assigned task.
To Open this Field:
  1. Click Expand Expand icon.
Allowed Values:
  • View Process View Process icon - Opens the process in the Process Viewer.
  • Reassign Task Reassign Task icon - You or any user from your tenant can reassign the task to a different user.
  • Cancel Process Cancel Process icon - Cancels the process.
  • Rework Task Rework icon - Starts a partial rework of a task that is Completed.
  • Task Details Task Details icon - Shows the details of the task.
  • Create Linked Work ItemCreate Linked Task icon - Creates a linked work item for other participants as necessary.
  • Add To Watchlist Add To Watchlist icon - Adds the task to a watchlist.
  • Add To Planner Add To Planner icon - Adds the task to a planner.
  • eForm Report View eForms Report View icon - Shows an eForm you specify with the current data from the process instance.
Default Value:


Shows the date the task is due to be completed or the number of days or hours the task is not completed from the time it is configured to complete.
To Open this Field:
  1. Click Expand Expand icon.
Allowed Values:
Read only.


Shows the name of the user who started the process.
To Open this Field:
  1. Click Expand Expand icon.
Allowed Values:
Read only.

Filters screen

Specifies the types of tasks to show.

Figure: Filters screen

Filters screen



Field NameDefinition

Search By

Specifies the creteria to search the tasks.
Allowed Values:
  • App Name - Does a search of the tasks based on the app names.
  • Process Model Name - Does a search of the tasks based on the process model names.
  • Dates - Does a search of the tasks based on the date or in the range of dates.
Default Value:
App Name

App Name

Specifies the names of the apps to show on the Tasks tab in Modern Work Center.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Filters screen, in the Search By field, select App Name.
Allowed Values:
One or more app names from the list.
Default Value:

Process Model Name

Specifies the names of the process models to show on the Tasks tab in Modern Work Center.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Filters screen, in the Search By field, select one of these:
    • App Name
    • Process Model Name
Allowed Values:
One or more process model names from the list.
Default Value:

Process Instance Name

Specifies the names of the process instances to show on the Tasks tab in Modern Work Center.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Filters screen, in the Search By field, select App Name.
Allowed Values:
One or more process instance names separated by commas (,).
Default Value:

Date Type

Specifies how to filter the tasks based on the date the tasks reach the configured statuses.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Filters screen, in the Search By field, select Dates.
Allowed Values:
  • Overdue - Shows the tasks on the Tasks tab with a due date in the specified date range.
  • Assigned Date - Shows the tasks on the Tasks tab with a assigned date in the specified date range.
  • Created Date - Shows the tasks on the Tasks tab with a created date in the specified date range.
  • Completed Date - Shows the tasks on the Tasks tab with a completed date in the specified date range.
  • Cancelled Date - Shows the tasks on the Tasks tab with a cancelled date in the specified date range.
Default Value:

Date Range

Specifies the duration in days to filter the tasks to show on the Tasks tab in Modern Work Center.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Filters screen, in the Search By field, select Dates.
  2. In the Date Type field, select the type of date.
Allowed Values:
  • Today - Shows the tasks for the present day in the Task tab.
  • Last 7 Days - Shows the tasks for the last 7 days in the Task tab.
  • Last 15 Days - Shows the tasks for the last 15 days in the Task tab.
  • Last 30 Days - Shows the tasks for the last 30 days in the Task tab.
  • In Last No of Days - Shows the tasks for the days specified in the Since Last No of Days field.
  • In Next No of Days - Shows the tasks for the days specified in the Next No of Days field.
  • Between - Shows the tasks between the specified start and end date.
Default Value:

Since Last No of Days

Specifies the duration in days to filter the tasks so that the Tasks tab shows the tasks that reached the associated status in the specified days.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Filters screen, in the Search By field, select Dates.
  2. In the Date Type field, select the type of date.
  3. In the Date Range field, select In Last No of Days.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

Next No of Days

Specifies the duration in days to filter the tasks so that the Tasks tab shows the tasks that reach the Overdue status in the next specified days.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Filters screen, in the Search By field, select Dates.
  2. In the Date Type field, select Overdue.
  3. In the Date Range field, select In Next No of Days.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:


Specifies the start date to search the tasks in the range of dates to show on the Tasks tab in Modern Work Center.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Filters screen, in the Search By field, select Dates.
  2. In the Date Type field, select the type of date.
  3. In the Date Range field, select Between.
Allowed Values:
A date from the calendar.
Default Value:


Specifies the end date to search the tasks in the range of dates to show on the Tasks tab in Modern Work Center.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Filters screen, in the Search By field, select Dates.
  2. In the Date Type field, select the type of date.
  3. In the Date Range field, select Between.
Allowed Values:
A date from the calendar.
Default Value:

Summary Fields

Specifies the summary fields that are configured for the app to show on the Tasks tab in Modern Work Center.

App designers can add a summary field on the Summary Fields screen in App Builder.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the Filters screen, in the App Name field, select one app.
Allowed Values:
One or more summary fields from the list.
Default Value:


Specifies the statuses to filter the tasks.
Allowed Values:
One or more statuses from the list.
Default Value:
Overdue, Assigned, New


Specifies the importance for the tasks to filter.
Allowed Values:
One or more priorities from the list.
Default Value:
High, Normal, Low

Sort By

Specifies how to sort the tasks.
Allowed Values:
  • Date Assigned - Sorts the tasks by assigned date.
  • Due Date - Sorts the tasks by due date.
Default Value:


Saves your changes on the Filters screen.


Closes the Filters screen.


Deletes the values you selected on the Filters screen and sets the default values.

Save Custom View screen

Creates a custom view in Modern Work Center.

Figure: Save Custom View screen

Custom View screen



Field NameDefinition

View Name

Specifies the name that shows for the custom view on the Views tab.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).


  • Letters
  • Numbers
  • Spaces
  • Special characters
Default Value:

Support for Unicode characters are available in these releases:

Show View For These Groups

Specifies a list of groups to whom to show the custom view on the Views tab.

This setting can also be used to limit access to the custom view that do not apply to the groups in Modern Work Center.

Allowed Values:
One or more group names from the list.
Default Value:

Show Filters In View

Specifies whether to show the Filters option on the custom view so that you can specify a condition to filter the tasks or processes show.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows the Filters option on the custom view to filter the tasks or processes.
  • Off - The user cannot filter the tasks or processes and hides the Filters option on the custom view.
Default Value:

Show View Only In Page Builder Widget

Specifies whether to show the custom view only on the Work Center (Modern) widget in Page Builder.
Allowed Values:
  • On - The custom view shows only in the Work Center (Modern) widget in Page Builder. It does not show in Modern Work Center.

    For more information, refer to Work Center (Modern) Widget screen.

  • Off - The custom view shows in both the Work Center (Modern) widget and Modern Work Center.
Default Value:


Specifies whether the custom view can be used on the Views tab in Modern Work Center and the Work Center (Modern) widget in Page Builder.
Allowed Values:
  • On - The custom view can be used in Modern Work Center and Page Builder.
  • Off - Hides the custom view in Modern Work Center and Page Builder, and it can not be used.
Default Value:


Creates the custom view.