If _ - A process data variable to display on the mobile device.
is _ - The that show on the mobile device. For example, the values for Accept and Reject can show as Yes and No instead.
that means _ - The value that is set for the process data variable defined after If _. This can be text, such as True, or it can be a different process data variable.
Default Value:
Accepts Process Data Variables:
There is a request a manager must review, and the response type is Accept/Reject. Based on the form data, the manager must choose to Approve or Deny the request. Technically this activity sets the process data variable ${ManagerResponse}, which takes a simple Boolean value of True or False.
The If _ is _, that means _ fields must be completed like this:
If ${ManagerResponse} is Approve, that means True.
If ${ManagerResponse} is Deny, that means False.
Display comments field for reviewers
Specifies whether to display a text entry field for comments on a mobile device.
Accepted Values:
Deselected - A comments field is not displayed on the mobile device.
Selected - A comments field is displayed on the mobile device.
Default Value:
Store comments in this process attribute
Specifies a process data variable that stores a comment that is submitted on a mobile device.