Entity screen > Fields tab

Creates custom entity fields for a custom entity.

Background and Setup

To create a custom entity field, do the procedure in this topic.

Video: Build Your First Data Entity



Good to Know

  • All entities create 5 standard fields by default. These fields are read-only. You can not change or delete these fields, and you can not give them values:
    • ID
    • Created Date
    • Last Modified Date
    • Created By
    • Last Modified By
  • After you configure the field type, you can not change it.
  • What Types of Entity Field Can I Use in a Form Control?.

How to Start

  1. Click Data Entities.

    Click Data Entities
  2. On the Data Entities Home screen, click Entities Entities icon.

    Click Entities
  3. On the Entities screen, click an entity.

    Entities screen

Entity screen > Fields tab

Creates or changes one or more custom entity fields.

Figure: Fields tab

Fields tab

How to Start

  1. On the Entity screen, click the Fields tab.

    Fields tab


Field NameDefinition

Navigate To Other Entity Navigate To Other Entity icon

Opens this Screen:
Navigate To Entity screen.
Function of this Screen:
Shows the list of AgilePoint NX entities. You can click the entity names to see or configure the entity.

Search Search icon

Does a search for fields based on the display names.

Add Field Add Field icon

New Field screen.
Function of this Screen:
Creates custom entity fields for a custom entity.

Refresh Refresh icon

Updates the information on the screen.

Clone Entity Clone Entity icon

Opens this Screen:
Clone Entity screen.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the right side of the screen, click the Ellipses (...).
Function of this Screen:
Creates a copy of an entity..
Refer to:

Export Entity Model

Opens this Screen:
Export Entity Model screen.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the right side of the screen, click Ellipses (...).
Function of this Screen:
Downloads an entity template from AgilePoint NX Data Entities to your local machine as an XML file, a JSON file, or a Microsoft Excel file.
Refer to:

Export Data

Opens this Screen:
Export Data screen.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the right side of the screen, click Ellipses (...).
Function of this Screen:
Downloads records from an entity as an XML file, a JSON file, or a Microsoft Excel file to your local machine.
Refer to:

Export Fields

Opens this Screen:
Export Fields screen.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the right side of the screen, click Ellipses (...).
Function of this Screen:
Downloads custom entity fields from an entity as an XML file, or a JSON file to your local machine.

This field is available in these releases:

Import Data

Opens this Screen:
Import Data screen.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the right side of the screen, click Ellipses (...).
Function of this Screen:
Uploads a collection of exported records from your local machine, and adds it to an entity in AgilePoint NX Data Entities.
Refer to:

Import Fields

Opens this Screen:
Import Fields screen.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the right side of the screen, click Ellipses (...).
Function of this Screen:
Uploads a group of exported entity fields from your local machine, and adds it to an entity in AgilePoint NX Data Entities.

This field is available in these releases:

Sync Analytics

Creates a connection between an entity with the Analytics database where the entity data is updated for reporting and analytics.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the right side of the screen, click Ellipses (...).

Display Name

Shows the value you entered in Record Display Name and the Display Name fields on the New Entity screen or New Field screen: Common Fields.
Allowed Values:
Read only.
For more information, including examples of how this field is used in Data Entities and apps, refer to Record Display Names, Record IDs, and Primary Fields in Data Entities.

Field Name

Shows a unique, technical name of the Record Internal Name and Internal Name fields in New Entity screen or New Field screen: Common Fields.
Allowed Values:
Read only.
For more information, including examples of how this field is used in Data Entities and apps, refer to Record Display Names, Record IDs, and Primary Fields in Data Entities.

Field Type

Shows the type of data you specified for the Record Internal Field Type field on the the New Entity screen or the the data type you selected for entity field on the the New Fields screen.
Allowed Values:
Read only.
For more information, including examples of how this field is used in Data Entities and apps, refer to Record Display Names, Record IDs, and Primary Fields in Data Entities.


Shows whether the entity field contains index to speed up searches and queries.
Allowed Values:
  • Yes - The field contains an index.
  • No - The field does not contain an index.
Default Value:
The value configured for the field.


Shows whether a duplicate value is permitted in the entity field
Allowed Values:
  • Yes - The field values must be unique. Duplicate values are not permitted.
  • No - Duplicate values are permitted in the field.
Default Value:
The value configured for the field.


Specifies whether the entity field is required.
Allowed Values:
  • Yes - The field must have a value.
    • If the field is a Text type:
    • If the field is an Auto-Increment type, the value is required, but the Data Entities component gives the value.
  • No - The field value is not required.
Default Value:
The value configured for the field.


Specifies the type of action for the entity field to do.
Allowed Values:
  • Hide in Data Tab Hide in Data Tab icon / View in Data Tab View in Data Tab icon - The entity field is hidden or visible in the Data tab.
  • Clone Clone icon - Creates a copy of an entity field.
  • Delete Delete icon - Deletes a custom entity field.
Default Value:

The Hide in Data Tab, View in Data Tab, and Clone options are available in these releases:

New Field screen

Specifies the type of data that the entity field contains.

Figure: New Field screen

New Field screen

How to Start

  1. On the Fields tab, click Add Field.

    Fields tab


Field NameDefinition


A value that supports True and False. In a checkbox, usually selected is True, deselected is False.


A date. A runtime app user can enter a date or select a date from a calendar.
Refer to:


A date and time of day. A runtime app user can enter a date or pick a date from a calendar, and enter a time of day. The time of day uses AM or PM notation.


A numeric value with a specified number of decimal places.
Refer to:


One line of text (a string) in email address format.
Refer to:




A numeric value, up to 18 characters.
Refer to:

People Picker

Shows a list of users, groups, or roles.

AgilePoint NX OnDemand (public cloud), or AgilePoint NX PrivateCloud or AgilePoint NX OnPremises v7.0 Software Update 1 or higher.


A whole number that represents a percentage.


A phone number with up to 20 numbers or special characters.
Refer to:


Uses a picklist to populate a list of values. A runtime app user can select a value from the list.


A value that must be no lower than a minimum specified value, and no higher than a maximum specified value.

Rich Text

Rich text in HTML format. You can set a maximum length, up to 4000 characters.


Any combination of letters, numbers, or special characters in a single line of text. You can set a maximum length, up to 4000 characters.
Refer to:

Text Area

Any combination of letters, numbers, or special characters, with line breaks, up to 4000 characters.
Refer to:


A web site address of up to 4000 characters. When a runtime app user clicks on the field, the URL opens in a separate browser window.

Sequence Number

Creates a unique, sequential number for each new record of the entity field.


A variation on a Boolean field type that allows the values Yes or No. You can use Yes for selected values and No for deselected values.

Search Search icon

Does a search for the specified field type.


Opens this Screen:
New Field screen: Common Fields
Function of this Screen:
Specifies the configuration for your field

New Field screen: Common Fields

Specifies the configuration for your field.

This topic gives the settings that are common to all field types. Refer to the next sections for information about the settings for specific field types.

Figure: Common Fields screen

Common Fields screen

How to Start

  1. On the New Field screen, select your data type, and click Next.

    New Field screen


Field NameDefinition

Display Name

Specifies the name that shows for the entity field in AgilePoint NX.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).


  • Letters
  • Numbers
  • Spaces
Default Value:
Refer to:

Internal Name

Specifies a unique, technical name for the entity field.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).

Not Accepted:

  • Spaces
Default Value:
Refer to:


A text description for your entity field.
Allowed Values:
More than one line of text.
Default Value:
Accepts Variables:
Refer to:

Indexed Field

Specifies whether this entity field can be found through search.
Allowed Values:
  • On - The entity field is searchable.
  • Off - The entity field is not searchable.
Default Value:

Mark As Internal

Specifies whether the entity field shows in AgilePoint NX apps.
Allowed Values:
  • On - The field shows in apps.
  • Off - The field does not show in apps.
Default Value:

Is Visible In Data Tab

Specifies whether the entity field is visible in the Entity screen > Data tab.
Allowed Values:
  • On - The entity field shows on the data tab.
  • Off - The entity field does not show on the data tab.
Default Value:

Is Unique

Specifies whether the entity field can contain more than one value that is the same.
Allowed Values:
  • On - The entity field can not contain more than one value that is the same.
  • Off - The entity field can contain more than one value that is the same.
Default Value:
  • A new entity field can be configured as unique only if the entity does not contain any records.
  • A field that exists in an entity can be configured as unique only if the field does not contain more than one record that is the same.
  • These fields can not be configured as unique:
    • Boolean
    • Picklist
    • Rich Text
    • Text Area
    • Yes/No
  • This field is available in these releases:

Enable Analytics For This Field

Specifies whether an entity field can be viewed or used for reports in Analytics Center.
Allowed Values:
  • On - The entity field can be viewed or used for reports in Analytics Center.
  • Off - The entity field cannot be viewed or used for reports in Analytics Center.
Default Value:


Goes to the previous screen.


Opens this Screen:
Saves the configuration for your entity field.

Save And New

Opens this Screen:
Saves the configuration for your entity field and opens New Field screen to create a new field.

New Field screen: Boolean

This topic gives the settings that are specific to the entity field type Boolean.

Figure: Boolean Field screen

Boolean Field screen


How to Start

  1. On the New Field screen, select Boolean.

    New Field Boolean screen
  2. Click Next.


Field NameDefinition

True Value Label

Specifies the text label for True in a Boolean entity field.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Boolean screen, in the Field Configuration section, set Display Formatted Value in Data Tab to On.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).


  • Letters
  • Numbers
  • Spaces
Default Value:

False Value Label

Specifies the text label for False in a Boolean entity field.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Boolean screen, in the Field Configuration section, set Display Formatted Value in Data Tab to On.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).


  • Letters
  • Numbers
  • Spaces
Default Value:

New Field screen: Sequence Number

This topic gives the settings that are specific to the entity field type Sequence Number.

Figure: Sequence Number Field screen

Sequence Number Field screen

How to Start

  1. On the New Field screen, select Sequence Number.

    New Field screen
  2. Click Next.


Field NameDefinition

Initial Value

Specifies the first number in the sequence.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Sequence Number.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

Increment Step

Specifies the interval between sequence numbers.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Sequence Number.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:


Specifies text to show before each incremented number in a sequence.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Sequence Number screen, in the Field Configuration section, set Display Formatted Value in Data Tab to On.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).


  • Letters
  • Spaces
  • Special characters
Default Value:

This field is available in these releases:


If the prefix is INT-, the initial value is 1, and the increment is 1, the sequence number will be INT-1, INT-2, INT-3...


Specifies text to show after each number in an incremented sequence.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Sequence Number screen, in the Field Configuration section, set Display Formatted Value in Data Tab to On.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).


  • Letters
  • Spaces
  • Special characters
Default Value:

This field is available in these releases:

If the suffix is th, the initial value is 10, and the increment number is 1, the sequence number will be 10th, 11th, 12th...

New Field screen: Date

This topic gives the settings that are specific to the entity field type Date.

Figure: Date Field screen

Date Field screen

How to Start

  1. On the New Field screen, select Date.

    New Field screen
  2. Click Next.


Field NameDefinition

Minimum Date

Specifies the first date in a range for a Date entity field.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Date.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
A date from a calendar.
Default Value:
Mon Jan 01 1906

The default value Mon Jan 01 1906 is available in these releases:

Maximum Date

Specifies the last date in a range for a Date entity field.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Date.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
A date from a calendar.
Default Value:
Fri Dec 31 9999

The default value Fri Dec 31 9999 is available in these releases:

Default Value

Specifies the default value for a Date entity field.

If a default value is specified for the entity field, apps use this value if no other value is provided at design time or runtime. The default value shows on form controls associated this field.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Date.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
A date from a calendar.
Default Value:
The system date.

Date Format

Specifies the date format to show in a Date entity field.
Allowed Values:
A date format from the list.
Default Value:
  • 9/5/2019
  • Sep/5/2019
  • 2019/09/5

This field is available in these releases:

New Field screen: DateTime

This topic gives the settings that are specific to the entity field type DateTime.

Figure: DateTime Field screen

DateTime Field screen

How to Start

  1. On the New Field screen, select DateTime.

    New Field screen
  2. Click Next.


Field NameDefinition

Minimum Date

Specifies the first date and time in a range for a DateTime entity field.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select DateTime.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
A date from a calendar and time from a spinner.
Default Value:
Mon Jan 01 1906

The default value Mon Jan 01 1906 is available in these releases:

Maximum Date

Specifies the last date and time in a range for a DateTime entity field.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select DateTime.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
A date from a calendar and time from a spinner.
Default Value:
Fri Dec 31 9999

The default value Fri Dec 31 9999 is available in these releases:

Default Value

Specifies the default value for a DateTime entity field.

If a default value is specified for the entity field, apps use this value if no other value is provided at design time or runtime. The default value shows on form controls associated this field.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select DateTime.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
A date from a calendar and time from a spinner.
Default Value:
The system date.

Date Format

Specifies the date format to show in a DateTime entity field.
Allowed Values:
A date format from the list.
Default Value:
  • 9/5/2019
  • Sep/5/2019
  • 2019/09/5

This field is available in these releases:

New Field screen: Decimal

This topic gives the settings that are specific to the entity field type Decimal.

Figure: Decimal Field screen

Decimal Field screen

How to Start

  1. On the New Field screen, select Decimal.

    New Field screen
  2. Click Next.


Field NameDefinition

Maximum Length

Specifies the maximum number of characters you can enter in an entity field.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Decimal.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

Decimal Places

Specifies the number of digits permitted to the right of the decimal point.

The system shows a validation error if the decimal numbers you enter do not match with the specified decimal places. For example, if you set 2 in this field and enter 5.875 in your form, the system shows a validation error.

If you enter a number in your form field without a decimal, the system adds the decimal point as you specified in this field.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Decimal.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:
If you enter 4.986 in a field with Decimal Places set to 2, the system shows an exception.

Default Value

Specifies the default value for a Decimal entity field.

If a default value is specified for the entity field, apps use this value if no other value is provided at design time or runtime. The default value shows on form controls associated this field.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Decimal.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

New Field screen: Email

This topic gives the settings that are specific to the entity field type Email.

Figure: Email Field screen

Email Field screen

How to Start

  1. On the New Field screen, select Email.

    New Field screen
  2. Click Next.


Field NameDefinition

Maximum Length

Specifies the maximum number of characters you can enter in an entity field.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Email.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

Default Value

Specifies the default value for an E-mail entity field.

If a default value is specified for the entity field, apps use this value if no other value is provided at design time or runtime. The default value shows on form controls associated this field.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select E-mail.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
A value in e-mail address format.
Default Value:

Placeholder Text

Specifies short text that gives a suggestion for the value of an entity field.

If a default value is not specified for the entity field, apps use the placeholder value at design time or runtime. The placeholder value shows on form controls associated this field.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Email.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).


  • Letters
  • Numbers
  • Spaces
Default Value:

New Field screen: Numeric

This topic gives the settings that are specific to the entity field type Numeric.

Figure: Numeric Field screen

Numeric Field screen

How to Start

  1. On the New Field screen, select Numeric.

    New Field screen
  2. Click Next.


Field NameDefinition

Maximum Length

Specifies the maximum number of characters you can enter in an entity field.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Numeric.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

Default Value

Specifies the default value for a Numeric entity field.

If a default value is specified for the entity field, apps use this value if no other value is provided at design time or runtime. The default value shows on form controls associated this field.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Numeric.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

New Field screen: People Picker

This topic gives the settings that are specific to the entity field type People Picker.

Figure: People Picker Field screen

People Picker Field screen

How to Start

  1. On the New Field screen, select People Picker.

    New Field screen
  2. Click Next.



Field NameDefinition

People Source

Specifies the repository where your users are stored.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select People Picker.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
Read only.
Default Value:
Registered Users

Enable Role Filtering

Specifies a list of roles to filter the users that show on the entity field.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select People Picker.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
  • Off - Does not show a list of roles.
  • On - Shows a list of roles.
Default Value:

Select Roles

Specifies a list of roles.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select People Picker.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Set Enable Role Filtering field to ON.
Allowed Values:
The roles from the list.
Default Value:

Enable Group Filtering

Specifies a list of the groups to filter the users that show on the entity field.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select People Picker.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Does not show a list of the groups.
  • Off - Shows a list of the groups.
Default Value:

Select Groups

Specifies a list of groups.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select People Picker.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Set Enable Group Filtering field to ON.
Allowed Values:
The groups from the list.
Default Value:

Allow Multiple Selections

Specifies whether you can use more than one user for the entity field values.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select People Picker.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Lets you select more than one user.
  • Off - You can select only one user.
Default Value:

Include Disabled Users

Specifies whether you can select users that are disabled in Manage Center.

For more information, refer to Users.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select People Picker.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Lets you select disabled users.
  • Off - Lets you select only active users.
Default Value:

Maximum Number Of Users to Display By Default

Specifies the maximum number of users to show in the list by default.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select People Picker.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

Maximum Length

Specifies the maximum number of characters you can enter in an entity field.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select People Picker.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

New Field screen: Phone

This topic gives the settings that are specific to the entity field type Phone.

Figure: Phone Field screen

Phone Field screen

How to Start

  1. On the New Field screen, select Phone.

    New Field screen
  2. Click Next.


Field NameDefinition

Maximum Length

Specifies the maximum number of characters you can enter in an entity field.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Phone.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

Default Value

Specifies the default value for a Phone entity field.

If a default value is specified for the entity field, apps use this value if no other value is provided at design time or runtime. The default value shows on form controls associated this field.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Phone.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
Any combination of numbers or special characters based on the local country phone number format.
Default Value:

Placeholder Text

Specifies short text that gives a suggestion for the value of an entity field.

If a default value is not specified for the entity field, apps use the placeholder value at design time or runtime. The placeholder value shows on form controls associated this field.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Phone.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).


  • Letters
  • Numbers
  • Spaces
Default Value:

New Field screen: Picklist

This topic gives the settings that are specific to the entity field type Picklist.

Figure: Picklist Field screen

Picklist Field screen

How to Start

  1. On the New Field screen, select Picklist.

    New Field screen
  2. Click Next.


Field NameDefinition


Specifies a picklist to use for the entity field values.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Picklist.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
A picklist from the list.
Default Value:

Allow Multiple Selections

Specifies whether more than one picklist item can be used for the entity field values.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Lets you select more than one picklist.
  • Off - You can select only one picklist.
Default Value:

New Field screen: Range

This topic gives the settings that are specific to the entity field type Range.

Figure: Range Field screen

Range Field screen

How to Start

  1. On the New Field screen, select Range.

    New Field screen
  2. Click Next.


Field NameDefinition

Range Start

Specifies the first value of the range in an entity field.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Range.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

Range End

Specifies the last value of the range in an entity field.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Range.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

Increment Step

Specifies the interval between range values.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Range.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

Default Value

Specifies the default value for a Range entity field.

If a default value is specified for the entity field, apps use this value if no other value is provided at design time or runtime. The default value shows on form controls associated this field.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Range.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

New Field screen: Rich Text

This topic gives the settings that are specific to the entity field type Rich Text.

Figure: Rich Text Field screen

Rich Text Field screen

How to Start

  1. On the New Field screen, select Rich Text.

    New Field screen
  2. Click Next.


Field NameDefinition

Maximum Length

Specifies the maximum number of characters you can enter in an entity field.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select one of these:
    • Rich Text
    • Text Area
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

Default Value

Specifies the default value for a Rich Text entity field.

If a default value is specified for the entity field, apps use this value if no other value is provided at design time or runtime. The default value shows on form controls associated this field.

To Open this Field:
  1. More than one line of rich text in HTML format.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
More than one line of text.


  • HTML rich text
Default Value:

Placeholder Text

Specifies short text that gives a suggestion for the value of an entity field.

If a default value is not specified for the entity field, apps use the placeholder value at design time or runtime. The placeholder value shows on form controls associated this field.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select one of these:
    • Rich Text
    • Text Area
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).


  • Letters
  • Numbers
  • Spaces
Default Value:

New Field screen: Text

This topic gives the settings that are specific to the entity field type Text.

Figure: Text Field screen

Text Field screen

How to Start

  1. On the New Field screen, select Text.

    New Field screen
  2. Click Next.


Field NameDefinition

Maximum Length

Specifies the maximum number of characters you can enter in an entity field.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Text.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

Default Value

Specifies the default value for a Text entity field.

If a default value is specified for the entity field, apps use this value if no other value is provided at design time or runtime. The default value shows on form controls associated this field.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Text.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).


  • Letters
  • Numbers
  • Spaces
Default Value:

Placeholder Text

Specifies short text that gives a suggestion for the value of an entity field.

If a default value is not specified for the entity field, apps use the placeholder value at design time or runtime. The placeholder value shows on form controls associated this field.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Text.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).


  • Letters
  • Numbers
  • Spaces
Default Value:

New Field screen: Text Area

This topic gives the settings that are specific to the entity field type Text Area.

Figure: Text Area Field screen

Text Area Field screen

How to Start

  1. On the New Field screen, select Text Area.

    New Field screen
  2. Click Next.


Field NameDefinition

Maximum Length

Specifies the maximum number of characters you can enter in an entity field.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select one of these:
    • Rich Text
    • Text Area
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

Default Value

Specifies the default value for a Text Area entity field.

If a default value is specified for the entity field, apps use this value if no other value is provided at design time or runtime. The default value shows on form controls associated this field.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select Text Area.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
More than one line of text.
Default Value:

Placeholder Text

Specifies short text that gives a suggestion for the value of an entity field.

If a default value is not specified for the entity field, apps use the placeholder value at design time or runtime. The placeholder value shows on form controls associated this field.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select one of these:
    • Rich Text
    • Text Area
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).


  • Letters
  • Numbers
  • Spaces
Default Value:

New Field screen: Time

Full documentation coming soon.

Figure: Time Field screen

Time Field screen

How to Start

  1. On the New Field screen, select Time.

    New Field screen
  2. Click Next.

New Field screen: URL

This topic gives the settings that are specific to the entity field type URL.

Figure: URL Field screen

URL Field screen

How to Start

  1. On the New Field screen, select URL.

    New Field screen
  2. Click Next.


Field NameDefinition

Maximum Length

Specifies the maximum number of characters you can enter in an entity field.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select URL.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

Default Value

Specifies the default value for a URL entity field.

If a default value is specified for the entity field, apps use this value if no other value is provided at design time or runtime. The default value shows on form controls associated this field.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select URL.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
The URL address.
Default Value:

Placeholder Text

Specifies short text that gives a suggestion for the value of an entity field.

If a default value is not specified for the entity field, apps use the placeholder value at design time or runtime. The placeholder value shows on form controls associated this field.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the New Field screen, select URL.
  2. Click Next.
Allowed Values:
Any combination of letters, numbers, or special characters in a single line of text.
Default Value:

New Field screen: Yes/No

This topic gives the settings that are specific to the entity field type Yes/No.

Figure: Yes/No Field screen

Yes No Field screen

How to Start

  1. On the New Field screen, select Yes/No.

    New Field screen
  2. Click Next.


Field NameDefinition

Yes Value Label

Specifies the text label for Yes in a Yes/No entity field.

This text label shows on the Entity screen > Data tab if entity field associated with Yes/No field type is set to Yes.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the Yes/No screen, in the Field Configuration section, set Display Formatted Value in Data Tab to On.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).


  • Letters
  • Numbers
  • Spaces
Default Value:

This field is available in these releases:

No Value Label

Specifies the text label for No in a Yes/No entity field.

This text label shows on the Entity screen > Data tab if entity field associated with Yes/No field type is set to No.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the Yes/No screen, in the Field Configuration section, set Display Formatted Value in Data Tab to On.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).


  • Letters
  • Numbers
  • Spaces
Default Value:

This field is available in these releases: