System Monitor

Shows information about your system performance and license, a summary of AgilePoint NX apps, runtime information such as tasks, process instances, email notifications, and access control information.

System Information > Performance tab

Shows information about the performance of your AgilePoint NX tenant.

Figure: System Information > Performance tab

System Information Performance tab



Field NameDefinition

Performance Overview

Shows information about the performance of your AgilePoint NX tenant.
Default Value:
  • Event Processing Time - Shows the minimum, maximum, and average event processing times for the process, in milliseconds.
  • Event Processing Threads - Shows the number of event threads in high priority and regular priority queue for the tenant.
  • Working Threads - Shows the information about the threads in use by your tenant.
  • Database Threads - Shows the number of database connections for the process instance.
  • System Threads - Shows the active threads in your tenant.

Refresh Refresh icon

Refreshes the information of the selected tab.

System Information > Access Control tab

Shows a summary of the users, groups, and roles in your tenant.

Figure: System Information > Access Control tab

System Information Access Control tab


Field NameDefinition

Access Control

Shows a summary of the Access Control section in Manage Center.
Default Value:
  • Total Users - Shows the total number of users in your environment.
  • Enabled Users - Shows the total number of active users in your environment.
  • Disabled Users - Shows the total number of inactive users in your environment.
  • Groups - Shows the total number of groups in your environment.
  • Roles - Shows the total number of roles in your environment.
  • Active Users - Shows the total number of users active for the last 15 minutes in your environment.

Refresh Refresh icon

Refreshes the information of the selected tab.

System Information > License tab

Shows information about your AgilePoint NX license.

Figure: System Information > License tab

System Information License tab



Field NameDefinition

License Info

Shows information about your AgilePoint NX license.
Default Value:
  • Activation Date - Shows the activation date for the license.
  • Expiration Date - Shows the expiration date for the license.
  • License Type - Shows the licentse type.
  • Notify - Shows the schedule to send notifications for the license expiration.
  • Number of Process Templates - Shows the total number of process models accepted for your license.
  • Number Of CPUs - Shows the total number of the CPUs for your license.
  • Floating Users - Shows the total number of floating users accepted for your license.
  • Subprocess Ratio - Shows the number of subprocesses relative to your total processes.


Shows a list of features that are enabled for your license.

Refresh Refresh icon

Refreshes the information of the selected tab.

Apps Usage Info screen

Shows information about the app licenses in your environment.

Figure: Apps Usage Info screen

Apps Usage Info screen



Field NameDefinition

Total Apps License Purchased

Shows the total number of license instances purchased in your environment to create apps.
Allowed Values:
Read only.

Total Apps License Used

Shows a summary of app license instances used in your environment.
Default Value:
  • Number of Form-Based Apps - Shows the number of form-based apps created in your environment.
  • Number of Primary Process Models - Shows the number of process-based apps created in your environment.
  • Number of Subprocess Models - Shows the number of subprocesses created in your environment.
  • Total Apps License Used - Shows the number of app license instances used to create apps in your environment.
  • Remaining Apps License - Shows the number of app license instances remaining in your environment.

System Information > Runtime tab

Shows a summary of runtime data in your tenant.

Figure: System Information > Runtime tab

System Information Runtime tab


Field NameDefinition

Process Instance Overview

Shows a summary of the status of your process instances.
Default Value:
  • Running - Shows the total number of process instances that are Running.

    This option opens the Processes screen with the running process instances.

  • Cancelled - Shows the total number of process instances that are Cancelled.

    This option opens the Processes screen with the cancelled process instances.

  • Completed - Shows the total number of process instances that are Completed.

    This option opens the Processes screen with the completed process instances.

  • Suspended - Shows the total number of process instances that are Suspended.

    This option opens the Processes screen with the suspended process instances.

Task Overview

Shows a summary of the status of your tasks.
Default Value:
  • Cancelled - Shows the total number of tasks that are in Cancelled status.

    This opens the Task screen with the cancelled tasks.

  • Completed - Shows the total number of tasks that are Completed status.

    This opens the Task screen with the completed tasks.

  • New - Shows the total number of tasks that are New status.

    This opens the Task screen with the new tasks.

  • Overdue - Shows the total number of tasks that are Overdue.

    This option opens the Task screen with the overdue tasks

  • Removed - Shows the total number of tasks that are Removed status.

    This opens the Task screen with the removed tasks.

  • Assigned - Shows the total number of tasks that are Assigned status.

    This opens the Task screen with the assigned tasks.

  • Reassigned - Shows the total number of tasks that are Reassigned status.

    This opens the Task screen with the reassigned tasks.

Email Notifications

Shows a summary of the status of your email notification.
Default Value:


Specifies how to filter the runtime data, such as process instances, tasks, and email notifications to show in the graph.
Allowed Values:
  • All - Shows all the items created in the environment for all time.
  • Year - Shows the items created in the current year.
  • Month - Shows the items created in the current month.
  • Week - Shows the items created in the current week.
  • Today - Shows the items created in the present day.

Refresh Refresh icon

Refreshes the information of the selected tab.

System Information > Real-time Performance tab

Shows information about the real-time performance of your AgilePoint NX tenant.

Figure: System Information > Real-time Performance tab

System Information Real Time Performance tab



Field NameDefinition


Downloads the system activity in JSON format to your local machine.

This field is available in these releases:


Records the system activity in a format that can be downloaded.
Allowed Values:
  • Selected - Records the system activity.

    By default, this option records the system activity for 30 minutes.

  • Deselected - Does not record the system activity.
Default Value:
  • Once you start recording the system activity, the new details override the previously captured details. To avoid losing the captured details, download them before you start to record.
  • This field is available in these releases:


Shows the host name of the AgilePoint Server machine.
Allowed Values:
Read only.

Last Updated

Shows the date and time the information on the screen is updated.
Allowed Values:
Read only.

Event Processing Threads

Shows the number of event threads in high priority and regular priority queue for the tenant.

Working Threads

Shows the information about the threads in use by your tenant.

Database Connections

Shows the number of database connections for the process instance.

GenAI Usage screen

Shows information about the usage of app licenses and message licenses.

Figure: GenAI Usage screen

GenAI Usage screen



Field NameDefinition

Activation Date

Shows the date the GenAI license took effect.
Allowed Values:
Read only.

Expiration Date

Shows the date the GenAI license expires.
Allowed Values:
Read only.

Apps License Instances

Shows information about license usage for apps created with GenAI.

This graph shows data relative to the last time GenAI licenses were purchased. It is not the total amount for all time.

Default Value:
  • Total Licensed Apps - Shows the number of apps that can be created with GenAI with the current license.
  • Apps Created - Shows the number of apps that have been created with GenAI.
  • Remaining Licensed Apps - Shows the number of apps that can be created with the GenAI license.

Message License Instances

Shows information about license usage for ARIA messages.

This graph shows data relative to the last time GenAI licenses were purchased. It is not the total amount for all time.

Default Value:
  • Total Licensed Messages - Shows the number of messages licensed to send to ARIA.
  • Message Sent - Shows the number of messages that have been sent to ARIA.
  • Remaining Licensed Messages - Shows the number of messages that can still be sent with the ARIA license.

App Licenses Used

Shows information about the app licenses used to create apps with GenAI over time.
Default Value:
  • Today - Shows the number of app licenses that were used on the present day.
  • Week - Shows the number of app licenses that were used in the current week.
  • Month - Shows the number of app licenses that were used in the current month.

Message Licenses Used

Shows information about the messages that have been sent to ARIA over time.
Default Value:
  • Today - Shows the number of message licenses that used on the present day.
  • Week - Shows the number of message licenses that used in the current week.
  • Month - Shows the number of message licenses that used in the current month.

Refresh Refresh icon

Refreshes the information of the selected tab.