Process Detail > Process Hierarchy tab

Shows the parent process-subprocess relationships for your process models.

Figure: Process Detail > Process Hierarchy tab

Process Detail Process Hierarchy tab

Video: Manage Your App

How to Start

  1. Click Manage.

    Click Manage
  2. In Manage Center, click Runtime Management > Processes.

    Click Processes
  3. On the Processes screen, click Expand Expand icon to expand a process.

    Click Process Expand
  4. Click Process Hierarchy Process Hierarchy icon.

    Click Process Hierarchy


Field NameDefinition

Refresh Refresh icon

Refreshes the selected process instance.

Cancel Process Cancel Process icon

Cancels a process instance.
View Process View Process icon
Opens the Process Viewer that shows the current status of the process.

For more information, refer to Process Viewer screen.

Process Details Process Details icon

Specifies whether a user can see the information about the process.

Suspend Suspend icon

Suspends a running process.

Resume RunningIcon

Resumes a Suspended process.