Inline Functions activity

An activity that changes the data from your process or form control..

Inline Functions activity

Configure the Inline Functions activity

To configure the Inline Functions activity, do the procedure in this topic.


  • (Example) Create an Inline Function
  • Examples - Step-by-step use case examples, information about what types of examples are provided in the AgilePoint NX Product Documentation, and other resources where you can find more examples.

Good to Know

How to Start

  1. On the Application Explorer screen, do one of these:
  2. Do one of these:
    • Add an activity:
      1. In the Process Builder, in the Activity Library, open the Utilities Utilities icon tab.
      2. On the Utilities Utilities icon tab, drag the Inline Functions Inline Functions icon activity onto your process.
    • Change an activity:
      1. In your process, double-click your activity.


  1. Complete the fields on the General Configuration screen.

    For more information, refer to Configure General Options for a System Activity.

  2. Click Inline Functions Inline Functions icon.
  3. Complete the fields on the Inline Functions screen.

    For more information, refer to Configure a Function or Formula Inline in a Process.

  4. (Optional) Click Advanced Advanced icon > E-mail Notifications E-mail Notifications icon.

    For more information, refer to Configure E-mail Notifications for Any Activity.

General Configuration

Specifies the basic settings for the Inline Functions activity.

Figure: General Configuration screen

General Configuration screen


Field Name Definition

Display Name

Specifies the activity name that shows in your process.
Accepted Values:
One line of text that can have spaces.
Default Value:
Accepts Process Data Variables:
This is a common configuration field that is used in many examples. Refer to:
  • Examples - Step-by-step use case examples, information about what types of examples are provided in the AgilePoint NX Product Documentation, and other resources where you can find more examples.


Specifies an optional text description for your activity.
Accepted Values:
More than one line of text.
Default Value:
Accepts Process Data Variables:

Inline Functions

Configures one or more inline functions that change the data from your process or form control.

Figure: Inline Functions screen

Inline Functions screen


Field Name Definition

Add Add icon

Opens this Screen:
Inline Functions
Function of this Screen:
Configures one or more formulas..
Refer to:


Specifies the process data variable that stores the result of the inline function.
Accepted Values:
A process data variable.
Default Value:
Accepts Process Data Variables:
Refer to:


Shows the formula that changes the data from your process or form control.
Refer to:

Edit Edit icon

Changes the formula.

Delete Delete icon

Deletes the formula.

Inline Functions

Configures one or more formulas.

Figure: Inline Functions screen

Inline Functions screen


Field Name Definition


Specifies the syntax of your formula.
Accepted Values:

An expression you build from the list of functions.

You can create a formula or expression using Text, Number, Currency, and Date functions from Inline Functions list, or process data variables.

To add more than one formula for your inline function, replace the text inside the parentheses () of one function with a different function, in thise format:

@function1(@function2(variable1, variable2))

Default Value:
  • @Max(Number1, Number2) - Gives the higher of the numbers represented by the varialbes Number1 and Number2.
  • @UpperCase(SourceString) - Gives the text represented by the variable SourceString in capital letters.
  • @UpperCase(@Substring(SourceString, StartIndex, EndIndex)) - Gives the specified substring of the text represnted by the SourString variable in capital letters.

Also refer to:

Inline Functions

Specifies the Text, Number, Currency, and Date functions to use in the formula.
Accepted Values:
  • Concat - Joins two or more specified text values into one string.
  • Stringlen - Gives the number of characters in the specified text value.
  • Replace - Replaces all the occurrences of a specified text value in the instance with another specified text value.
  • Remove - Deletes all the characters in the instance that begin at a specified position and continue through the last position.
  • Reverse - Reverses the order of the elements in the instance.
  • UpperCase - Returns a copy of the specified text value in capital letters, using the casing rule of the specified culture.
  • LowerCase - Returns a copy of the specified text value in small letters, using the casing rule of the specified culture.
  • TitleCase - Returns the specified text value in title case, except for the words that are in all capital letters, which are considered to be acronyms.
  • PadRight - Returns a new text value that left-aligns the characters in an instance by padding them on the right with a specified Unicode character, for a specified total length.
  • PadLeft - Returns a new text value that right-aligns the characters in an instance by padding them on the left with a specified Unicode character, for a specified total length.
  • Substring - Gets a substring from an instance. The substring starts at a specified character position and has a specified length.
  • GUID - Returns a text value of the GUID instance in a specific format.
  • Insert - Returns a new text value in which a specified text is inserted at a specified index position in the instance.
  • Trim - Remove all leading and trailing white space characters from the specified text.
  • XmlEncode - Returns the specified text with escape characters by adding slashes (/) to use in XML attributes.
  • XmlDecode - Returns the specified text as literal XML code.
  • Compare - Returns true if both the specified text values are the same. This function is case sensitive.
  • CompareIgnoreCase - Returns true if both the specified text values are the same. This function is not case sensitive.
  • Absolute - Returns the absolute value of a number.
  • Max - Returns the larger number of the two specified numbers.
  • Min - Returns the smaller number of the two specified numbers.
  • Power - Returns the specified number increased to the specified power.
  • Round - Rounds the decimal value to the nearest integral value.
  • Subtraction - Returns the difference of the specified n numbers. This function subtracts all numbers from the first number.
  • Sum - Returns the sum of the specified n numbers.
  • Average - Returns the mean of the specified numbers.
  • Multiple - Returns the product of the specified n numbers.
  • Modulo - Returns the remainder of the two specified numbers.
  • Percentage - Returns the percentage of the two specified numbers. Number1 represents current value and Number2 represents total value.
  • ToDecimal - Returns a decimal number.
  • ToDouble - Returns a double-precision floating-point number.
  • ToFloat - Returns a single-precision floating-point number.
  • ToLong - Returns a number to an equivalent 64-bit signed integer.
  • Currency - Shows the currency values in the format that you specify.
  • DateDiffDays - Calculates the difference in days between the two dates.
  • DateDiffHours - Calculates the difference in hours between the two dates.
  • DateDiffMinutes - Calculates the difference in minutes between the two dates.
  • DateDiffSeconds - Calculates the difference in seconds between the two dates.
  • FormatDate - Shows the date-time value in the format that you specify.
  • AddYears - Returns a new date that is result of addition of the specified number of years to the specified date value.
  • AddMonths - Returns a new date that is result of addition of the specified number of months to the specified date value.
  • AddDays - Returns a new date that is result of addition of the specified number of days to the specified date value.
  • AddHours - Returns a new date that is result of addition of the specified number of hours to the specified date time value.
  • AddMinutes - Returns a new date that is result of addition of the specified number of minutes to the specified date time value.
  • AddSeconds - Returns a new date that is result of addition of the specified number of seconds to the specified date time value.
  • AddMilliSeconds - Returns a new date that is result of addition of the specified number of milliseconds to the specified date time value.
  • AddTicks - Returns a new date that is result of addition of the specified number of ticks to the specified date time value.
  • ParseDateTime - Converts the specified string representation of a date and time into its date and time value with the specified date format.
Default Value:
Refer to:


Specifies the details of the function.
Default Value:
Read only.


Uses the configured formulas in your inline function.
Refer to: