Work Center screen (Settings)

Configures the settings for Work Center.

General tab

Configures the basic settings for Work Center.

Figure: General tab

General tab


Field NameDefinition

Maximum Items To Retrieve

Specifies the number of items to show in the task list and process lists.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

Show Delegations

Specifies whether to show the Delegations tab in Modern Work Center.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows the Delegations tab.
  • Off - Does not show the Delegations tab.
Default Value:

Show User Statistics

Specifies whether to show the User Statistics tab in the Work Center.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows the User Statistics tab.
  • Off - Does not show the User Statistics tab.
Default Value:

Show External Apps

Specifies whether to show the External Apps tab in Modern Work Center.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows the External Apps tab.
  • Off - Does not show the External Apps tab.
Default Value:

Maximum Number Of Frequently Used Apps

Specifies the maximum number of published apps to show in the Frequently Used Apps widget on the Overview screen and the My Apps screen.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

Duration For My Recent Tasks (Hours)

Specifies the time duration in hours to show the tasks assigned to the runtime app user in the last specified hours on the My Recent Tasks widget on the Overview screen.

For more information, refer to My Recent Tasks widget.

Allowed Values:
  • 24 - Shows the tasks assigned to the runtime app user in the last 24 hours.
  • 48 - Shows the tasks assigned to the runtime app user in the last 48 hours.
  • 72 - Shows the tasks assigned to the runtime app user in the last 72 hours.
Default Value:

Duration For My Recent Requests (Days)

Specifies the time duration in days to show the processes the runtime app user started in the last specified days on the My Recent Requests widget in the Overview screen.

For more information, refer to My Recent Requests widget.

Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

Open Process Viewer in New Tab

Specifies whether to show the process in the Process Viewer in a new tab.
Allowed Values:
  • Yes - Shows the process in the Process Viewer in a new tab.
  • No - Shows the process in the Process Viewer in a pop-up, or overlay.
Default Value:

This field is available in these releases:

Show Activity Name In Task List

Specifies whether to show the activity display name or the form name in a task list on the Tasks screen.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows the activity display name.
  • Off - Shows the form name.
Default Value:

Default Zoom for Process Viewer

Specifies the default zoom setting for the Process Viewer.
Allowed Values:
An integer.


  • 0-300
Default Value:

Open Tasks In New Window

Specifies whether to open the tasks in a new browser window.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Tasks open in a new browser window.
  • Off - Tasks open in a new tab on the same window.
Default Value:

Group Tasks By

Specifies how to group the tasks on the Tasks screen.
Allowed Values:
  • Status - Groups the tasks based on the status.
  • Priority - Groups the tasks based on importance.
  • Process - Groups the tasks based on their associated processes.
  • User (Grid View) - Groups the tasks in a grid view based on the user name.
  • Default (Grid View) - Groups the tasks in a grid view based on the release date.
Default Value:

Group Apps By Category

Specifies whether to organize the published apps in a category on the My Apps screen.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Groups the published apps by their categories.
  • Off - Groups the published apps by the release date.
Default Value:

Show Process Name On App Tile

Specifies whether the My Apps screen shows the process instance name on the app tile.
Allowed Values:
  • On - The App tile shows both the app name and the process instance name on the My Apps screen.
  • Off - The App tile shows only the app name on the My Apps screen.
Default Value:

Show Task Planner

Specifies whether the Overview screen shows the My Planned Tasks widget in Work Center. This widget lets the user add tasks or appointments to the planner.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows the My Planned Tasks widget on the Overview screen, and the user can add tasks or appointments to the planner.

    For more information, refer to My Planned Tasks widget.

  • Off - The Overview screen does not show the My Planned Tasks widget, and the user can not add tasks or appointments to the planner.
Default Value:

Show Watchlist

Specifies whether the Overview screen shows the Watchlist widget in Work Center. This widget lets the user add the running processes to the watchlist.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows the Watchlist widget on the Overview screen, and the user can add the running processes to the watchlist.

    For more information, refer to Watchlist widget.

  • Off - The Overview screen does not show the Watchlist widget, and the user can not add the running processes to the watchlist.
Default Value:

Enable Clone Request

Specifies whether to show the Clone Request option on the My Recent Tasks widget on the Overview screen.

For more information, refer to My Recent Tasks widget.

Allowed Values:
  • Selected - Shows the Clone Request option on the My Recent Tasks widget.
  • Deselected - Hides the Clone Request option from the My Recent Tasks widget.
Default Value:

Show Anonymous Tasks

Specifies whether the Tasks screen shows tasks that use anonymous forms in the task list.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows tasks that use anonymous forms in the task list.
  • Off - Hides tasks that use anonymous forms in the task list.
Default Value:

This field is available in these releases:

Open eForms In Quick View

Specifies whether runtime app users can open forms in the Quick View pane on the Tasks screen.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Runtime app users can open forms in the Quick View pane on the Tasks screen and perform the actions on the same tab.

    For more information, refer to Quick View screen.

  • Off - Forms always open in a new tab at runtime.
Default Value:

This field is available in these releases:

Maximum Tabs In Quick View

Specifies the maximum number of tabs to open in the Quick View pane on the Tasks screen.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

This field is available in these releases:

Show Subprocess

Specifies whether the Processes screen shows subprocesses in the process list.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Subprocesses show in the process list.

    For more information, refer to Subprocess activity.

  • Off - Only parent processes show in the process list.
Default Value:

This field is available in these releases:

App Or Process Sort By Release Date

Specifies whether to sort the apps or process models by release data to show on the My Apps screen in Work Center.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Sorts the apps or process models by release date.
  • Off - Sorts the apps or process models by app name in decending order.
Default Value:

Preferred Display Format For Tasks

Specifies the default view for the tasks to show on the Tasks screen.
Allowed Values:
  • Bucket - Shows the tasks in a bucket view.
  • Grid - Shows the tasks in a grid view.
Default Value:

Preferred Display Format For Processes

Specifies the default view for the processes to show on the Processes screen.
Allowed Values:
  • Bucket - Shows the processes in a bucket view.
  • Grid - Shows the processes in a grid view.
Default Value:

Preferred Display Format For Apps

Specifies the default view for the apps to show on the My Apps screen.
Allowed Values:
  • Tile - Shows the apps in a tile view.
  • Grid - Shows the apps in a grid view.
Default Value:

Column Name

Shows the list of column names specified on the task card on the Tasks screen.
Allowed Values:
Read only.

Visible In The Grid

Specifies whether to show the column name on the task card on the Tasks screen and Process screen.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows the column name on the Tasks screen and Processes screen.
  • Off - Does not show the column name on the Tasks screen and Processes screen.
Default Value:

Column Order In The Grid

Specifies the order to show the columns on the task card on the Tasks screen.
Allowed Values:
An integer from 1 to 3.

Allow Change Flow For

Specifies the type of users to whom to show the Change Flow option on the Process Viewer screen.
Allowed Values:
  • Anyone With Change Flow Permissions - Shows the Change Flow option for users who have the Rollback A Process access right.
  • App Owners And Administrators With Change Flow Permissions - Shows the Change Flow option for users who are App Owners or a member of the Administrators role.
  • None - Hides the Change Flow option on the Process Viewer screen.
Default Value:
App Owners And Administrators With Change Flow Permissions

This field is available in these releases:

Show Activity Timeframe

Specifies whether the Process Viewer screen shows the total time taken to complete an activity.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows the total time taken to complete an activity.
  • Off - The Process Viewer screen does not show the time taken to complete an activity.
Default Value:

This field is available in these releases:

Show Activity Tooltip

Specifies whether to show the information about an activity when a runtime app user hovers over the activity on the Process Viewer screen.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows the information about an activity when a runtime app user hovers over the activity.
  • Off - Does not show the text when a runtime app user hovers over the activity.
Default Value:

This field is available in these releases:

Show Process KPI

Specifies whether to show the Process KPI option on the Process Viewer screen.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows the Process KPI option on the Process Viewer screen.
  • Off - Hides the Process KPI option from the Process Viewer screen.
Default Value:

This field is available in these releases:


Restores the default settings for the Work Center configuration.


Saves the changes to the Work Center configuration.

Column tab

Configures the columns that show in Work Center.

Figure: Column tab

Column tab


Field NameDefinition

Translate Names In

Specifies the language for the translation from the list.
Allowed Values:
A language from the list.
Default Value:

Default Column Name

Shows the list of column names specified on the Tasks screen and Processes screen.
Allowed Values:
Read only.

Custom Column Name

Specifies a different name for the column names to show on the Tasks screen and Processes screen.
Allowed Values:
  • Priority - Specifies a different name for the Priority column on the Tasks screen.
  • Task Name - Specifies a different label for the Task Name column on the Tasks screen.
  • Process Model Name - Specifies a different name for the Process Model column on the Tasks and Processes screen.
  • Status - Specifies a different name for the Status column on the Tasks and Processes screen..
  • Due Date - Specifies a different name for the Due Date column on the Tasks screen.
  • User - Specifies a different name for the User column on the Tasks screen.
  • Process Instance Name - Specifies a different name for the Process Instance Name column on the Tasks and Processes screen.
  • Started Date - Specifies a different name for the Started Date column on the Processes screen.
  • Initiator - Specifies a different name for the Initiator column on the Processes screen.
  • Assigned Date - Specifies a different name for the Assigned Date column on the Tasks screen.
  • Department - Specifies a different name for the Department column on the Tasks screen.
  • Category - Specifies a different name for the Category column on the Processes screen.

Show Column

Specifies whether to show the column name on the Tasks screen and Processes screen.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows the column name on the Tasks screen and Processes screen.
  • Off - Does not show the column name on the Tasks screen and Processes screen.
Default Value:

Column Index

Specifies the order to show the columns on the Tasks screen and Processes screen.
Allowed Values:
An integer.


  • 1-11


Restores the default settings for the Work Center configuration.


Saves the changes to the Work Center configuration.

View tab

Configures how tabs show in Work Center.

Figure: View tab

View tab


Field NameDefinition

Default View

Specifies the default view for the tasks to show on the Tasks screen.
Allowed Values:
  • All Tasks
  • My Tasks
  • My Direct Team
  • My Department
  • My Team And Sub
  • My Group
  • My Group Peers
Default Value:
My Tasks

Hide Default Task View Options

Specifies not to show the selected view in the View list for the task.
Allowed Values:
One or more option names.
  • All Tasks
  • My Direct Team
  • My Department
  • My Team And Sub
  • My Group
  • My Group Peers
Default Value:

Disable Actions For Task View

Shows only the menu options for a tasks in the task list associated with the specified view.
Allowed Values:
One or more option names.
  • All Tasks
  • My Direct Team
  • My Department
  • My Team And Sub
  • My Group
  • My Group Peers
Default Value:

Default Process View

Specifies the default view for the processes to show on the Processes screen.
Allowed Values:
  • My Processes
  • My Direct Team
  • My Department
  • My Team And Sub
  • My Group
  • My Group Peers
Default Value:
My Processes

Hide Default Process View Options

Specifies not to show the selected options in the View list for the process.
Allowed Values:
One or more option names.
  • My Direct Team
  • My Department
  • My Team And Sub
  • My Group
  • My Group Peers
Default Value:

Disable Actions For Process View

Shows only the processes for a specified view in the process list.
Allowed Values:
One or more option names.
  • My Direct Team
  • My Department
  • My Team And Sub
  • My Group
  • My Group Peers
Default Value:

Hide Context Menu

Specifies not to show the specified options in the task options list for the task.
Allowed Values:
One or more context menu options:
  • View Process
  • Open Task
  • Take Assignment And Open
  • Take Assignment
  • Take Assignment And Complete
  • Reassign Task
  • Release To Pool
  • Task Rework
  • Create Linked Work Item
  • Cancel Task
  • Change Priority
  • Cancel Process
  • Task Details
  • View Parent Process
  • eForms Report View
  • Complete Task
  • Process Details
  • View Process Hierarchy
Default Value:


Restores the default settings for the Work Center configuration.


Saves the changes to the Work Center configuration.

Custom Action tab

Configures custom actions for Work Center.

Figure: Custom Action tab

Custom Action tab




Field NameDefinition


Does a search for the files with the specified criteria.

Custom Action

Opens this Screen:
Add Custom Action tab
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Custom Action screen, on the Custom Action tab click the menu icon Menu Icon icon > Add.
Function of this Screen:
Creates a custom action to use in Work Center.


Opens this Screen:
Add HTML File tab
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Custom Action screen, in the left pane, expand the Shared Resources tab.
  2. On the Shared Resources tab, on the HTML tab, click the menu icon Menu Icon icon > Add.
Function of this Screen:
Creates an empty HTML file where you can create a custom HTML snippet to use for a custom action.


Opens this Screen:
Add CSS File tab
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Custom Action screen, in the left pane, expand the Shared Resources tab.
  2. On the Shared Resources tab, on the CSS tab, click the menu icon Menu Icon icon > Add.
Function of this Screen:
Creates an empty CSS file where you can create a custom CSS snippet to use for a custom action.


Opens this Screen:
Add JavaScript File tab
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Custom Action screen, in the left pane, expand the Shared Resources tab.
  2. On the Shared Resources tab, on the JavaScript tab, click the menu icon Menu Icon icon > Add.
Function of this Screen:
Creates an empty JavaScript file where you can create a custom JavaScript snippet to use for a custom action.

Import (Custom Action)

Opens this Screen:
Import Custom Actions screen
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Custom Action screen, on the Custom Action tab, click the menu icon Menu Icon icon > Import.
Function of this Screen:
Uploads an exported custom action in a JSON format from your local machine, and adds it to the target location, so it can be used in Work Center.

Import (HTML)

Opens this Screen:
Import HTML File screen
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Custom Action screen, in the left pane, expand the Shared Resources tab.
  2. On the Shared Resources tab, on the HTML tab, click the menu icon Menu Icon icon > Import.
Function of this Screen:
Uploads an exported HTML file from your local machine, and adds it to the target location, so the file can be used to create custom actions for Work Center.

Import (JavaScript)

Opens this Screen:
Import JavaScript File screen
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Custom Action screen, in the left pane, expand the Shared Resources tab.
  2. On the Shared Resources tab, on the JavaScript tab, click the menu icon Menu Icon icon > Import.
Function of this Screen:
Uploads an exported JavaScript file from your local machine, and adds it to the target location, so the file can be used to create custom actions for Work Center.

Import (CSS)

Opens this Screen:
Import CSS File screen
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Custom Action screen, in the left pane, expand the Shared Resources tab.
  2. On the Shared Resources tab, on the CSS tab, click the menu icon Menu Icon icon > Import.
Function of this Screen:
Uploads an exported CSS file from your local machine, and adds it to the target location, so the file can be used to create custom actions for Work Center.

Export Export icon

Downloads the custom actions as a JSON file to the local machine.

The JSON format is required for users to import into Agilepoint NX.

To Open this Field:
  1. On the Custom Action screen, in the left pane, expand the Custom Action tab.
  2. Select a custom action file.

Edit Edit icon

Changes the information for a custom action.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Custom Action screen, in the left pane, expand the Custom Action tab.
  2. Select a custom action file.

Run Run icon

Shows a preview of the custom action on the Preview pane.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Custom Action screen, in the left pane, expand the Custom Action tab.
  2. Select a custom action file.

View In Work Center View In Work Center icon

Shows a previous of the custom action in Work Center.
Allowed Values:
  • Tasks - Opens the Tasks screen to show the preview for the custom action.
  • Processes - Opens the Processes screen to show the preview for the custom action.

Delete Delete icon

Deletes the specified file or resource.

Filters tab

Full documentation coming soon.

Figure: Filters tab

Filters tab



Field NameDefinition

Hide Selected Apps and Processes From My Apps

Specifies whether the My Apps screen shows or hides the selected apps or process models in Work Center.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Hides the selected apps or process models.
  • Off - Shows all apps that are published for the use.
Default Value:

Apps And Processes To Hide

Specifies the apps or process models to hide on the My Apps screen in Work Center.
Allowed Values:
One or more apps or process models.
Default Value:

Hide Tasks For Selected Apps And Processes

Specifies whether the tasks for an app or process model are shown on the Inbox tab in the Work Center.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Hides the tasks for the selected app or process model.
  • Off - Shows the tasks for the selected app or process model.
Default Value:


Restores the default settings for the Work Center configuration.


Saves the changes to the Work Center configuration.

External Form tab

Full documentation coming soon.

Figure: External Form tab

External Form tab



Field NameDefinition


Adds a new record of external form base URL to open as a task for your process in the My Task tab in Classic Work Center.


Deletes a record of external form base URL.

Save Changes

Saves the changes to your record of external form base URL.

Cancel Changes

Cancels the changes to your record of external form base URL.

External Form Base URL

Specifies a base URL of an external form.
Allowed Values:
A valid URL of an external form app.
Default Value:

App Name

Specifies the name of the app of your process that shows in the My Task tab in Classic Work Center.
Allowed Values:
An app name from the list.
Default Value:


Specifies whether the URL of an external form shows in the browser at runtime with a file name extension.
Allowed Values:
  • ASPX - Shows the form file name with the extension .aspx.
  • PHP - Shows the form file name with the extension .php.
  • JSP - Shows the form file name with the extension .jsp.
  • No Extension - Shows the form file name with no extension.
Default Value:

The ASPX, PHP, JSP, and No Extension options are available in these releases:


Restores the default setting for the external form base URL.