
Contains the process definition (process templates).


For the descriptions in this table, the term item refers to a process definition.

Column Name Data Type Size Description
BASE_DEF_ID varchar32 The ID of the first version of the process definition (template). For the initial version, the DEF_ID and BASE_DEF_ID are the same.
DEF_ID varchar32 (Primary key) The unique item ID.
DEF_NAME nvarchar256 The name of the process definition.

The status of the process definition.

Created: When the process template is added into the database.

Released: When the process template was released.

Retired: When the new version of the process template was released, the previous version becomes 'Retired', but the running process instances may continue to exist with it.

Disabled: When the process template was disabled.

Checkedout: When process template was checked out for changes.

NOTE: Only Released and Checked out process templates can be initiated process instances.

PRE_VERSION nvarchar16 The previous version of the process definition (template).
VERSION nvarchar16 The version of the process definition (template).
DESCRIPTION nvarchar2048 The description you entered in the process template.
OWNER nvarchar256 The owner of the process definition as defined in the process template.
DOC_REF nvarchar256 The document reference as defined in the process template.
CREATED_DATEdatetime8 The date the item was created.
CREATED_BYnvarchar64 The user who created the item.
CHECKED_OUT_DATE datetime8 The date the process definition was checked-out.
CHECKED_OUT_BY nvarchar64 The person who checked out the process definition.
CLASS_NAME nvarchar64 The name of the custom class associated with the process definition.
EXPECTED_TIME nvarchar256 The expected process duration defined in the process template.
DIAGNOSTIC varchar3 A boolean value used to represent if the process definition is currently in diagnostic mode. Yes=Process template is under testing, process template and all instances will be removed when the server re-starts.
ASSEMBLY_NAME nvarchar128 The name of the assembly the process definition is associated with.
APPL_NAMEnvarchar256 The name of the application associated with the item.
RELEASE_DATE datetime8 The time stamp for when the process definition was released.
INITIATE_CONSTRAINT nvarchar64 The type of process model. This determines the category for which this process model is associated under the license model. If the process model is of type ChildProcess, it cannot be initiated as a stand alone process. A ParentChildProcess can be initiated as either a Parent or Child process, it counts as a Parent process.


Table Name Relationship