Auto-Lookup > Database > Multiple Columns

This topic shows how to create a lookup with database as the data source based on multiple columns for the Auto-Lookup form control.

Background and Setup

Good to Know

  • There is more than one path to configure a lookup. Make sure you use the document that shows the path for your lookup.
  • Some information about third-party integrations is outside the scope of the AgilePoint NX Product Documentation. It is the responsibility of the vendors who create and maintain these technologies to provide this information. This includes specific business use cases and examples; explanations for third-party concepts; details about the data models and input and output data formats for third-party technologies; and various types of IDs, URL patterns, connection string formats, or other technical information that is specific to the third-party technologies. For more information, refer to Where Can I Find Information and Examples for Third-Party Integrations?

How to Start

  1. On the Auto-Lookup form control configuration screen, on the Configure tab, click Add Lookup.

    For information about how to open this screen, refer to Auto-Lookup form control.

    Click Add Lookup
  2. On the Select Data Source Type screen, select Database.

    Select Database
  3. Click Next.

Lookup Details

Specifies the basic configuration for a lookup.

Figure: Lookup Details screen

Lookup Details screen

Good to Know


Field NameDefinition

Access Token

Specifies the access token that connects to your data source.
Accepted Values:
A list of access tokens configured for your environment.
Default Value:
Accepts Process Data Variables:

Add New Add New icon

Opens this Screen:
Access Token for Database
Function of this Screen:
Configure an access token to connect to a database.

Lookup Name

Specifies the name you want to give to your lookup procedure.
Accepted Values:
One line of text that can have spaces.
Default Value:
Accepts Process Data Variables:
Refer to:

Lookup Type

Specifies the type of lookup procedure to do.
Accepted Values:
  • Name/Value - The lookup gets data for specified name/value pairs.
  • Multiple Columns - The lookup gets data for more than one column.
Default Value:
Refer to:

Configure Lookup > Quick Config tab

Configures a lookup with more than one column from your data source.

Figure: Configure Lookup > Quick Config tab

Quick Config tab


Field NameDefinition


Specifies your database schema.
Accepted Values:
A schema name from the list.

When you select a database, the schemas associated with the database show in this field.

Default Value:


Specifies the name of the your database table.
Accepted Values:
The name of your table.

When you select a schema, the tables associated with the database show in this field.

Default Value:

Columns - Name

Specifies the column names for the selected table.
To Open this Field:
  1. Select a table from the Table list.
  2. On the Select All field, click Expand Expand icon.
Accepted Values:
Read only.

The values are completed when you select the table name.

Refer to:

Columns - Value

Specifies the value to update for the column.
To Open this Field:
  1. Select a table from the Table list.
  2. On the Select All field, click Expand Expand icon.
Accepted Values:

But when you add a column in the list, the value field is populated with the column's name. Set the actual value.

Expand Expand icon

Shows the field list options.

Collapse Collapse icon

Closes the field list.

Column Name

Specifies the name of the database column.
To Open this Field:
  1. Click Add Filter Add Filter icon
Accepted Values:
A valid database column name.
Default Value:


Specifies the operator to use in the filter.
To Open this Field:
  1. Click Add Filter Add Filter icon
Accepted Values:
  • =
  • !=
  • >
  • <
  • In
  • Is Null
  • Is Not Null
Default Value:

Filter Condition - Value

Specifies one or more values for the column or process data variables that contains the column value.
To Open this Field:
  1. Click Add Filter Add Filter icon
Accepted Values:
One or more column values.
Default Value:
Accepts Process Data Variables:

The option to use more than one value is available in these releases:

Delete Filter Delete Filter icon

Deletes the filter condition.

Filter Condition - Sort By

Specifies the name of the column to sequence the query results.
Accepted Values:
The name of your list column.
Default Value:

Filter Condition - Sort Order

Specifies the sort order for the result set.
Accepted Values:
  • Ascending
  • Descending
Default Value:

Configure Lookup > Advanced tab

Configures a WHERE clause for your query.

Figure: Configure Lookup > Advanced tab

Advanced tab


Field NameDefinition


Specifies the WHERE clause for your query with the conditions and logical operators
Accepted Values:
  • A valid SQL WHERE clause.
  • A valid stored procedure.
  • A valid SQL view.
Default Value:
  • SELECT [Account Owner] "Name", [Account Number] "Value" FROM Account
  • SELECT PositionCode, FirstName, LastName, Email, City, StateCode, ZipCode FROM [appApplicants] WHERE PositionCode = ${PositionCode}

Validate Query

Does a test to make sure the query is correct, and displays the error message if an error occurs.

If the query completes, it shows View Formatted Data and View Raw Data options. When you click View Formatted Data, the Result field shows the result of the WHERE clause query in a table. If you click View Raw Data, the Result field shows the result in XML format.


Shows the result of the WHERE clause query in a table or XML format.

Perform SQL Query Escaping

Specifies whether the query condition value escapes the apostrophe (') character.
Accepted Values:
  • Selected - Apostrophe (') characters are escaped in your query condition value.
  • Deselected - The query condition value does not escape apostrophe (') characters.
Default Value:
  • SELECT [Account Owner] "Name", [Account Number] "Value" FROM Account
  • SELECT PositionCode, FirstName, LastName, Email, City, StateCode, ZipCode FROM [appApplicants] WHERE PositionCode = ${PositionCode}

Configure Columns

Opens this Screen:
Configure Lookup > Configure Columns
Configures a data type for more than one column to show in your lookup.

This field is available in these releases:

Configure Lookup > Configure Columns

Configures a data type for more than one column to show in your lookup.

Figure: Configure Lookup > Configure Columns

Configure Columns



Field NameDefinition

Display Name

Specifies the name for the column that shows in your lookup.
Accepted Values:
One line of text that can have spaces.
Default Value:
Different for different columns

Data Type

Specifies the data type for the column.
Accepted Values:
A data type from the list.
Default Value:


Specifies the date format that the column shows.
To Open this Field:
  1. In the Data Type field, select Date.
Accepted Values:
  • MM/dd/yyyy - Shows the date in the format Month/day/year.
  • yyyy/MM/dd - Shows the date in the format year/Month/day.
  • yyyy-MM-dd - Shows the date in the format year-Month-day.
  • dd-MM-yyyy - Shows the date in the format day-Month-year.
  • dd MMM yyyy - Shows the date in the format day Month year.
  • MMM dd yyyy - Shows the date in the format Month day year.
Default Value:
  • 09/21/1978
  • 1978/09/21


Specifies the date-time format that the column shows.
To Open this Field:
  1. In the Data Type field, select DateTime.
Accepted Values:
  • MM/dd/yyyy - Shows the date in the format Month/day/year.
  • MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss - Shows the date-time in the format Month/day/year hour:minute:second.
  • yyyy/MM/dd - Shows the date in the format year/Month/day.
  • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss - Shows the date-time in the format year-Month-day hour:minute:second.
  • yyyy-MM-dd - Shows the date in the format year-Month-day.
  • dd-MM-yyyy - Shows the date in the format day-Month-year.
  • dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss - Shows the date-time in the format day-Month-year hour:minute:second.
  • dd MMM yyyy - Shows the date in the format day Month year.
  • dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss - Shows the date-time in the format day Month year hour:minute:second.
  • MMM dd yyyy - Shows the date in the format Month day year.
  • MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss - Shows the date-time in the format Month day year hour:minute:second.
Default Value:
  • 09/21/1978 18:35:50

Collapse All

Specifies whether to close the Display Name and Data Type fields for all columns on the screen.
Accepted Values:
  • On - Closes the Display Name and Data Type fields for all columns.
  • Off - By default, the Display Name and Data Type fields stay open for all columns.
Default Value:


Restores the default display name and data type for the column.

Configure Lookup > Error Messages tab

Configures the message to show if the lookup does not return any data.

Figure: Configure Lookup > Error Messages tab

Error Messages tab


Field NameDefinition

No Items Retrieved

Specifies the error message to show if the lookup does not return any data.
Accepted Values:
One line of text that can have spaces.
Default Value:

Lookup Failed

Specifies the message to show if the data fails to load.
Accepted Values:
More than one line of text.
Default Value:
Failed to load data.