When the URL Changes for AgilePoint Server, What Configuration Changes are Necessary?

This article shows how to reconfigure the settings of installed AgilePoint products when the URL changes for AgilePoint Server—for example, because a domain name or port number changes, or because SSL has been enabled.


Good to Know

  • A configuration utility was released in AgilePoint NX v6.0 SP1 that makes the configuration on AgilePoint Server easier.
  • Depending on the changes made to AgilePoint Server, you may need to make configuration changes to various configuration files.


  1. To change the URL configuration on AgilePoint Server, do one of these , depending upon your version of AgilePoint NX:
    • For AgilePoint NX v6.0 SP1 and higher, do the procedure in Change the REST URL in the AgilePoint NX Portal.
    • For any AgilePoint NX release lower than v6.0 SP1, do this procedure:
      1. On your AgilePoint Server machine, in the file (NX Portal installation folder - v8.0 and lower) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointWebApplication\AgilePointPortal\web.config, update these keys with the server URLs.
        <add key="AgilePointServerUrl" value="http://[AgilePoint Server name]:[port number for REST]/agilepointserver/" />
        <add key="AgilePointServerWsHttpUrl" value="http://[AgilePoint Server name]:[port number for WsHttp]/agilepointserver/" />
        For example:
        <add key="AgilePointServerUrl" value="http://agilitycloud.com:6999/agilepointserver/" />
        <add key="AgilePointServerWsHttpUrl" value="http://agilitycloud.com:7000/agilepointserver/" />
      2. On your AgilePoint Server machine, in the file (NX Portal installation folder - v8.0 and lower) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointWebApplication\AgilePointPortal\Modules\AgilePoint.Portal.AppBuilder\Content\FD.Settings.xml, update the API URL value.
        <Property Type="string">
        <Value>http://[AgilePoint Server name]:[port number for REST]/AgilePointServer</Value>
      3. On your AgilePoint Server machine, in the file (NX Portal installation folder - v8.0 and lower) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointWebApplication\AgilePointPortal\Modules\AgilePoint.Portal.AppBuilder\Content\PD.Settings.xml, update the AgilePoint server URL value.
        <Property Type="string">
        <Value>http://[AgilePoint Server name]:[port number for REST]/AgilePointServer</Value>
      4. On your AgilePoint Server machine, in the file (AgilePoint Portal Work Center installation folder) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointWebApplication\AgilePoint.Portal.WorkCenter\Content\tl.settings.cs, update the server URL value.
        <Property Type="string">
        <Value>http://[AgilePoint Server name]:[port number for REST]/AgilePointServer</Value>
      5. On your AgilePoint Server machine, in the file (AgilePoint Portal Work Center installation folder) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointWebApplication\AgilePoint.Portal.WorkCenter\Content\em.settings.xml, update the APIURL value.
        <Property Type="string">
        <Value>http://[AgilePoint Server name]:[port number for REST]/AgilePointServer</Value>
  2. To change the Server URL in Analytics Center, do this procedure.
    1. On the AgilePoint Server machine, right-click the file (Analytics Center Management Utility installation folder) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointServer\Master_Analytics\bin\AgilePoint.Analytics.Management.exe, and click Run as administrator.
    2. On the AgilePoint Analytics Center Management Utility, click the Starter Pack For Analytics Center tab.
    3. On the Starter Pack For Analytics Center tab, complete these fields:
      Field NameDefinition

      Analytics API URL

      Specifies the runtime URL for Analytics Center in your environment, followed by /api.
      Allowed Values:
      Analytics Center URL, followed by /api in this format:

      [Your AgilePoint NX Portal URL]/AnalyticsCenter/api

      Default Value:

      The domain name for the production environment changes based on the configuration of your environment.

      AgilePoint Server REST URL

      Specifies the REST URL for your AgilePoint Server instance.

      For more information, refer to Find your AgilePoint Server Instance REST URL.

      Allowed Values:
      [Your AgilePoint NX Portal URL]/AgilePointServer
      Default Value:
      • https://myagilepointnxdomain.com/AgilePointServer

        The domain name for the production environment changes based on the configuration of your environment.

      AgilePoint Portal URL

      Specifies the AgilePoint NX Portal Instance URL.

      For more information, refer to Find your Portal Instance URL

      Allowed Values:
      An AgilePoint NX Portal instance URL.
      Default Value:

      The domain name for the production environment changes based on the configuration of your environment.

      AgilePoint Portal Web.yaml

      Specifies the location of the configuration file for AgilePoint NX Portal.
      Allowed Values:
      The web.yaml file for AgilePoint NX Portal.

      Click the Ellipses button, and browse the file:

      (NX Portal configuration folder - v9.0 and higher) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointPortalInstance\config\web.yaml

      Default Value:

      Workflow DB Connection String

      Specifies the connection string to connect to the workflow database for AgilePoint NX.

      For more information, refer to Find your Workflow Database Connection String.

      Note: AgilePoint Analytics supports a logical multi-tenant architecture, and AgilePoint Sever is based on a physical multi-tenant architecture. Because of this, the workflow databases are separate for each tenant, but the Analytics database is shared across all tenants.
      Allowed Values:
      A connection string for the workflow database.
      Default Value:
      • application name=AgilePoint Server;server=SQLServerName;database=AP_Workflow_DB;trusted_connection=yes
      • application name=AgilePoint Server;Server= SQLServerName;database=AP_Workflow_DB;User ID=bobsmith;Password=pass1234;

      Analytics DB Connection String

      Specifies the connection string to connect to the Analytics database.
      Note: AgilePoint Analytics supports a logical multi-tenant architecture, and AgilePoint Sever is based on a physical multi-tenant architecture. Because of this, the workflow databases are separate for each tenant, but the Analytics database is shared across all tenants.
      Allowed Values:
      A connection string for the Analytics database.

      The connection string must be in a specific format for this field.

      Values identifying the database server:

      • application name=AgilePoint Server

        This value is a literal constant. It must not be changed.

      • server=[the name of the database server for AgilePoint NX]

        Complete this value with your database server name.

      • database=[the name of your Analytics Center database]

        The name of your Analytics Center database. By default, this value is AP_Analytics_DB.

      Values identifying the connection credentials:

      • Either enter this value for a trusted connection:
        • trusted_connection=yes
      • Or enter these values to use specific authentication credentials:
        • User ID=[database user name]
        • Password=[database user password]

      This results in 2 possible formats for the Analytics Center connection string entered in this field, which are both different from the connection string value in the Analytics Center configuration file:

      • application name=AgilePoint Server; server=[the name of the database server for AgilePoint NX]; database=[the name of your Analytics Center database]; User ID=[database user name]; Password=[database user password];
      • application name=AgilePoint Server; server=[the name of the database server for AgilePoint NX]; database=[the name of your Analytics Center database]; trusted_connection=yes;
      Default Value:
      • application name=AgilePoint Server;server=MyDatabaseServer;database=AP_Analytics_DB;trusted_connection=yes;
      • application name=AgilePoint Server;Server=MyDatabaseServer;database= AP_Analytics_DB;User ID=bobsmith;Password=pass1234;
    4. Click Update.
  3. To change the AgilePoint Server URL on SharePoint, do this procedure.
    1. Change the ServerInstanceUrl and PortalInstanceUrl in the AgilePoint Configuration List.

      For more information, refer to AgilePoint Configuration List for SharePoint (Microsoft 365, Classic) and AgilePoint Configuration List for SharePoint (SharePoint On-Premises).

    2. Run the Windows Service Client Utility Tool against the web.config file for the SharePoint web application.

      For more information, refer to Run the Windows Service Client Utility Tool.

  4. On all affected servers, reset IIS.