How Do I Solve the Unattended Data Services Records Available in the WF_DATA_SERVICE_ERRORDB Table from AP_Data_Svcs_DB?


Unattended Data Services records exist in WF_DATA_SERVICE_ERRORDB table in the AP_Data_Svcs_DB.


Various errors can cause this issue. Check the WF_DATA_SERVICE_ERRORDB table in the AP_Data_Svcs_DB database that contains the error description in the ERROR_DESC column. This information will help you understand the cause of the issue.


  1. Address the errors.

    Based on the error description, take the necessary steps to resolve the issue. This may involve fixing Data Population configuration, correcting database connection settings, or resolving authentication issues.

  2. Run DataServicesErrorUtility.exe.

    Run the DataServicesErrorUtility.exe as Administrator in the AgilePoint DataService folder (ex: C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePoint Data Services) so that all the records that failed to populate will be moved back to the temp database.

  3. Retry Data Population.

    After addressing the errors, retry the Data Population process. Monitor the WF_DATA_SERVICE_TEMPDB and WF_DATA_SERVICE_ERRORDB tables to ensure that no new errors are generated.

  4. Verify Data Population.

    Check the target database table to ensure that the records have been successfully populated. If the issue persists, repeat the process until the records are correctly populated.