Change the REST URL (Server Instance URL) AgilePoint NX Portal Uses to Connect to AgilePoint Server

To change the REST URL that AgilePoint NX Portal uses to connect to AgilePoint Server (called the server instance URL), do the procedure in this topic. For example, you may want to change this URL to use SSL.


Good to Know

How to Start

  1. On the AgilePoint Server machine, open this folder:

    (NX Portal installation folder - v9.0 and higher) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointPortalInstance


  1. To change the REST URL, do one of these.
    • To change the REST URL with the Manage AgilePoint NX Portal Configuration Utility, do this procedure.
      1. Open this folder:

        (NX Portal installation folder - v9.0 and higher) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointPortalInstance\tools

      2. Right-click the file AgilePoint.Portal.Management.exe, and click Run as Administrator.
      3. On the Manage AgilePoint NX Portal Configuration Utility screen, in the Server URL field, enter the value for the REST URL.

        The REST URL must be in this format:


        [Your AgilePoint NX Portal URL]/AgilePointServer


      4. Click Update.
    • To change the REST URL manually, do this procedure.
      1. On the AgilePoint Server machine, in a text editor, open the AgilePoint NX Portal configuration file:

        (NX Portal configuration folder - v9.0 and higher) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointPortalInstance\config\web.yaml

      2. In web.yaml, find the agilepointserverurl key and change the value for the REST URL as necessary.


        "agilepointserverurl": "[Your AgilePoint NX Portal URL]/AgilePointServer",


        "agilepointserverurl": "",