DataService AgileConnector

This AgilePoint Server extension (AgileConnector) lets you enable Data Services to collect and track application data. Data Services has 2 main components:

Background and Setup

To configure an AgileConnector, ​ do the procedure in this topic.


How to Start

  1. On the AgilePoint Server machine, in Windows Explorer, right-click the file (AgilePoint Server installation folder) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePoint Server\WCFConfigurationUtility.exe, and click Run as Administrator.

    Configuration Utility Run As Administrator Screen
  2. On the AgilePoint Server Manager screen, in the left pane, select your AgilePoint Server instance.

    Select AgilePoint Server Intance
  3. Click Open Server Configuration Open Server Configuration icon.

    Click Open Server Configuration
  4. On the AgilePoint Server Configuration screen, click the Integrations tab.

    Click Integrations Tab

Enable the DataService AgileConnector

This AgilePoint Server extension (AgileConnector) lets you enable Data Services to collect and track application data. To enable the DataService AgileConnector, ​do the procedure in this topic.

Good to Know

  • To support multiple applications, you can configure multiple AgileConnectors, or list multiple applications within the Application Filter of one AgileConnector.

How to Start

  1. On the AgilePoint Server Configuration screen, in the Integrations tab, click Add.

    Click Add


  1. Go to the assembly (AgilePoint Server installation folder) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePoint Server\bin\Ascentn.AgileConnector.DataService.dll.

    Note the following:

    • The Name field appears with the default AgileConnector name. Do not change this value.
    • The Impersonator field must be blank.

Configure the DataService AgileConnector

To configure the DataService AgileConnector, ​ do the procedure in this topic.


How to Start

  1. On the AgilePoint Server Configuration screen, in the Integrations tab, select DataService.
  2. Click Configure.


Field NameDefinition

Application Filter

Filters the process template based on the process model type or name.
Allowed Values:
  • SPSIntegration - Uses only process models created using InfoPath, SPList and SPDoc process templates.
  • AgileForms - Uses only process models created using AgileForms process templates.
  • MyApplication - Uses only process models created using Generic process templates — usually ASP.NET applications.
  • Custom application name - Uses only process models with a custom application name specified in the process template.

Multiple application names must be separated with a semicolon (;).

Default Value:

Connection String

Specifies the connection string to be used to connect to the Data Tracking database.
Allowed Values:
A valid connection string.
Default Value:
Data Source=.;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=AgilePointTracking
Data Source=mydomain;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=AgilePointTracking