APADM Command Line Utility
This topic provides examples using commands for the APADM command line utility. The APADM application is a command line utility that can be used to perform some administrative tasks from the command line.
- AgilePoint NX OnPremises or AgilePoint NX PrivateCloud.
- To use the ExecutionTimeout argument, you must have a release that includes Intermediate Fix 08.0081.02 or higher, or AgilePont NX v6.x or higher.
- To use the SyncSocialAccounts argument, you must have AgilePoint v5.0 R2 with Intermediate Fix 08.0082.01 or higher, or AgilePont NX v6.x or higher.
Good to Know
- The APADM command line tool supports
multi-tenant environments in these releases:
- AgilePoint NX OnDemand (public cloud), or AgilePoint NX PrivateCloud or AgilePoint NX OnPremises v7.0 Software Update 2 or higher
- Run the following commands as necessary, using the following format:
apadm.exe [command] [arguments] [domain\username] [password]
The [domain\username] and [password] arguments are required for multi-tenant environments. These arguments are optional for single tenant environments.
Command Definition -help
- Description:
- Shows all AgilePoint APADM commands.
- Description:
- Activates a delegation instance using a unique delegation ID.
- Required Arguments:
- [delegation ID]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- None
- Example:
- apadm -ActivateDelegation 827228D244B4F4D9117776A4863B28EA http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer
- apadm -ActivateDelegation 827228D244B4F4D9117776A4863B28EA http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Creates a rule for delegating one user's tasks to another user.
- Required Arguments:
- description
- [from user]
- [to user]
- [start date]
- [end date]
- [recurrence weekdays string]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- None
- Example:
- apadm -AddDelegation MyDelegation mydomain\\liy.allen mydomain\\bob.hope 24-04-2018 3-8-2018 Monday http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer
- apadm -AddDelegation MyDelegation mydomain\\liy.allen mydomain\\bob.hope 24-04-2018 3-8-2018 Monday http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Creates a group in AgilePoint NX, and sets the ResponsibleUser parameter as the group lead.
- Required Arguments:
- [group name]
- description
- [responsible user]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- None
- Example:
- apadm -AddGroup Development GroupDescription mydomain\\HR http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer
- apadm -AddGroup Development GroupDescription mydomain\\HR http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Creates a role in AgilePoint NX, and specifies the access right for the users assigned to the role.
- Required Arguments:
- [role name]
- description
- [enabled]
- [access rights]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- None
- Example:
- apadm -AddRole RegionalManagers RegionalWideManagers true 2 4 8 http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer
- apadm -AddRole RegionalManagers RegionalWideManagers true 2 4 8 http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Adds a new user in the AgilePoint system.
- Required Arguments:
- [LDAP path]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- ExecutionTimeout = [seconds] - Specifies a timeout value, in seconds, for the operation.
- SyncSocialAccounts - Synchronizes users' email IDs with their Yammer and Lync IDs.
- Example:
- apadm -adduser LDAP://dc=tusca,dc=com http://mydomain/AgilePointServer
- apadm -adduser LDAP://dc=tusca,dc=com http://mydomain/AgilePointServer ExecutionTimeout=100
- apadm -adduser LDAP://dc=tusca,dc=com http://mydomain/AgilePointServer ExecutionTimeout=100 mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Archives a process instance based on the specified process instance identifier by moving the set of process instance records from the workflow database to the archive database.
- Required Arguments:
- [days] or [process instance ID] or [ProcessDefinitionName:ProcessInstaneName]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- -Y - Suppresses the interactive confirmation to proceed with the action.
- ExecutionTimeout = [seconds] - Specifies a timeout value, in seconds, for the operation.
- Example:
The following example archives all processes that were completed or canceled 10 days ago.
- apadm -archive 10 http://mydomain/AgilePointServer
- apadm -archive 10 http://mydomain/AgilePointServer mydomain\admin password
The following example archives the process with the specified process instance ID.
- apadm -archive 501630F1C09743dbBA25FAC9C3DA7524 http://mydomain/AgilePointServer
- apadm -archive 10 http://mydomain/AgilePointServer -Y ExecutionTimeout=100
- apadm -archive 501630F1C09743dbBA25FAC9C3DA7524 http://mydomain/AgilePointServer mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Deactivates a delegation instance using a delegation ID.
- Required Arguments:
- [delegation ID]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- None
- Example:
- apadm -cancelDelegation 827228D244B4F4D9117776A4863B28EA http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer
- apadm -cancelDelegation 827228D244B4F4D9117776A4863B28EA http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Cancels the process instance based on a specified Create Process Instance.
- Required Arguments:
- [process instance ID]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- None
- Example:
- apadm -CancelPID 827128D244B4F4D911776146DEAFFE03 http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer
- apadm -CancelPID 827128D244B4F4D911776146DEAFFE03 http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Permanently deletes a process instance.
- Required Arguments:
- [process instance ID]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- None
- Example:
- apadm -DeletePID 827128D244B4F4D911776146DEAFFE03 http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer
- apadm -DeletePID 827128D244B4F4D911776146DEAFFE03 http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Exports a role to an XML file
from the AgilePoint system.
For more information, refer to Export Roles.
- Required Arguments:
- [role name1]
- [role name2]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- None
- Example:
- apadm -ExpRole MangerRole UserRole http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer
- apadm -ExpRole MangerRole UserRole http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Exports the AgilePoint groups
to an XML file from the AgilePoint system.
For more information, refer to Export Groups.
- Required Arguments:
- [group name1]
- [group name2]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- None
- Example:
- apadm -ExpGroups HRGroup ManagerGroup http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer
- apadm -ExpGroups HRGroup ManagerGroup http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Imports the AgilePoint groups
from an XML file to the AgilePoint system.
For more information, refer to Import Groups.
- Required Arguments:
- [The path of your group file in XML format]
- [action] - OverrideExisting, MergeExisting, DoNotOverrideExisting
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- None
- Example:
- apadm -ImpGroups c:\Users\Admin\Desktop\GroupEntries.xml OverrideExisting http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer
- apadm -ImpGroups c:\Users\Admin\Desktop\GroupEntries.xml OverrideExisting http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer admin password
- Description:
- Imports the AgilePoint role
to the AgilePoint system.
For more information, refer to Import Roles.
- Required Arguments:
- [role name]
- [action] - OverrideExisting, MergeExisting, DoNotOverrideExisting
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- None
- Example:
- apadm -ImportRole c:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Roles.xml OverrideExisting http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer
- apadm -ImportRole c:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Roles.xml OverrideExisting http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Permanently removes an AgilePoint group with the specified group name.
- Required Arguments:
- [group name]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- None
- Example:
- apadm -RemoveGroup ProjectLead http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer
- apadm -RemoveGroup ProjectLead http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Permanently removes a role from the AgilePoint system.
- Required Arguments:
- [role name]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- None
- Example:
- apadm -RemoveRole Development http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer
- apadm -RemoveRole Development http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Restores a process.
- Required Arguments:
- [process instance ID] or [ProcessDefinitionName:ProcessInstaneName]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- ExecutionTimeout = [seconds] - Specifies a timeout value, in seconds, for the operation.
- Example:
- apadm -restore 501630F1C09743dbBA25FAC9C3DA7524 http://mydomain/AgilePointServer
- apadm -restore ExpenseReport:JohnSmith-01-20-2010-09 http://mydomain/AgilePointServer ExecutionTimeout=100
- apadm -restore ExpenseReport:JohnSmith-01-20-2010-09 http://mydomain/AgilePointServer ExecutionTimeout=100 mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Resumes a suspended process instance. The process instance status is changed to running, and the statuses of all the work items (tasks) become Active.
- Required Arguments:
- [process instance ID]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- None
- Example:
- apadm -ResumePID 827128D244B4F4D911776146DEAFFE03 http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer
- apadm -ResumePID 827128D244B4F4D911776146DEAFFE03 http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Permanently removes a delegation instance using a unique delegation ID.
- Required Arguments:
- [delegation ID]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- None
- Example:
- apadm -rmDelegation 827228D244B4F4D9117776A4863B28EA http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer
- apadm -rmDelegation 827228D244B4F4D9117776A4863B28EA http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Synchronizes group members with Active Directory.
- Required Arguments:
- [LDAP path]
- [authentication domain name]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- [retry count] - An integer that specifies a number of times to retry the operation before quitting.
- ExecutionTimeout = [seconds] - Specifies a timeout value, in seconds, for the operation.
- SyncSocialAccounts - Synchronizes users' email IDs with their Yammer and Lync IDs.
- Example:
- apadm -syncgm LDAP://dc=tusca,dc=com TUS http://mydomain/AgilePointServer
- apadm -syncgm LDAP://dc=tusca,dc=com TUS http://mydomain/AgilePointServer mydomain\admin password
In the following example, if synchronization fails, it retries 5 times as specified in the optional last parameter.
- apadm -syncgm LDAP://dc=tusca,dc=com TUS http://mydomain/AgilePointServer 5 ExecutionTimeout=100
- apadm -syncgm LDAP://dc=tusca,dc=com TUS http://mydomain/AgilePointServer 5 ExecutionTimeout=100 mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Permanently deletes the process model (process definition) and all of the process instances associated with the process model.
- Required Arguments:
- [process definition name]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- -Y - Suppresses the interactive confirmation to proceed with the action.
- ExecutionTimeout = [seconds] - Specifies a timeout value, in seconds, for the operation.
- Example:
- apadm -rmproc PurchaseRequest http://mydomain/AgilePointServer
- apadm -rmproc PurchaseRequest http://mydomain/AgilePointServer -Y ExecutionTimeout=100
- apadm -rmproc PurchaseRequest http://mydomain/AgilePointServer -Y ExecutionTimeout=100 mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Migrates process instances from one version to another version (called process migration).
- Required Arguments:
- [process migration instruction XML file]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- -NoSchemaMigrate - Stops upgrading the schema to the latest updated schema.
- -Run - Keeps the process running, even if an error occurs while running the operation. By default, if an error occurs, the process moves to a suspended state.
- ExecutionTimeout = [seconds] - Specifies a timeout value, in seconds, for the operation.
- Example:
- apadm -mgproc C:\MyFolder\PurchaseRequest-2019-10-25T12_22_34_817_migration_instruction.xml http://mydomain/AgilePointServer
- apadm -mgproc C:\MyFolder\PurchaseRequest-2019-10-25T12_22_34_817_migration_instruction.xml http://mydomain/AgilePointServer -NoSchemaMigrate -Run ExecutionTimeout=100
- apadm -mgproc C:\MyFolder\PurchaseRequest-2019-10-25T12_22_34_817_migration_instruction.xml http://mydomain/AgilePointServer -NoSchemaMigrate -Run ExecutionTimeout=100 mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Shows the AgilePoint system information.
- Required Arguments:
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- ExecutionTimeout = [seconds] - Specifies a timeout value, in seconds, for the operation.
- Example:
- apadm -systeaminfo http://mydomain/AgilePointServer
- apadm -systeaminfo http://mydomain/AgilePointServer ExecutionTimeout=100
- apadm -systeaminfo http://mydomain/AgilePointServer ExecutionTimeout=100 mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Publishes the process model (process definition) in the specified release date from AgilePoint Server.
- Required Arguments:
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- [folder] or [file]
- [release date]
- Optional Arguments:
- ExecutionTimeout = [seconds] - Specifies a timeout value, in seconds, for the operation.
- Example:
In this example, abc is a folder that contains XML files of process definition that need to be published and scheduled to be released on 1/20/2011.
- apadm -publishprocdef http://mydomain/AgilePointServer abc 1/20/2011
- apadm -publishprocdef http://mydomain/AgilePointServer abc 1/20/2011 ExecutionTimeout=100
- apadm -publishprocdef http://mydomain/AgilePointServer abc 1/20/2011 ExecutionTimeout=100 mydomain\admin password
In this example, expensereport.xml is an XML file of process definition that needs to be published.
- apadm -publishprocdef http://mydomain/AgilePointServer expensereport.xml
- apadm -publishprocdef http://mydomain/AgilePointServer expensereport.xml mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Updates a delegation object that has already been created.
- Required Arguments:
- description
- [from user]
- [to user]
- [start date]
- [end date]
- [recurrence weekdays string]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- None
- Example:
- apadm -UpdateDelegation Mydelegation mydomain\\liy.allen mydomain\\bob.hope 24-04-2018 3-8-2018 Monday http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer
- apadm -UpdateDelegation Mydelegation mydomain\\liy.allen mydomain\\bob.hope 24-04-2018 3-8-2018 Monday http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Updates a group with a new description or group lead.
- Required Arguments:
- [group name]
- description
- [responsible user]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- None
- Example:
- apadm -UpdateGroup Development GroupDescription mydomain\\HR http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer
- apadm -UpdateGroup Development GroupDescription mydomain\\HR http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Updates the description or access right selections of a role.
- Required Arguments:
- [role name]
- description
- [access rights]
- [enabled]
- [AgilePoint Server URL]
- Optional Arguments:
- None
- Example:
- apadm -UpdateRole RegionalManagers RegionalWideManagers 4 6 32 true http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer
- apadm -UpdateRole RegionalManagers RegionalWideManagers 4 6 32 true http://mydomain:13487/AgilePointServer mydomain\admin password
- Description:
- Retrieves the log file information related to the cluster.
- Required Arguments:
- [cluster log file]
- Optional Arguments:
- ExecutionTimeout = [seconds] - Specifies a timeout value, in seconds, for the operation.
- Example:
- apadm -analyzeclusterlog 20110521T043713Cluster.log
- apadm -analyzeclusterlog 20110521T043713Cluster.log ExecutionTimeout=100
- apadm -analyzeclusterlog 20110521T043713Cluster.log ExecutionTimeout=100 mydomain\admin password