DataServicesWindowsService.exe.config Configuration Reference
The file DataServicesWindowsService.exe.config gives server-side configuration settings for Data Services.
To configure this configuration file, do the procedure in this topic.
- AgilePoint NX OnPremises or AgilePoint NX PrivateCloud.
- In a NLB installation scenario, only one AgilePoint Data Services Windows Service must be started.
- Make a backup copy of the file DataServicesWindowsService.exe.config.
Good to Know
- When you configure Data Services, this file is configured.
For more information, refer to Configure the Data Services Windows Service.
- The database connection string and the table information for data population gets from the process template.
- This is only one location where database connection strings are configured.
For more information, refer to Default Locations for Database Connection Strings.
How to Start
- Open (AgilePoint Data Services installation folder) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePoint Data Services\DataServicesWindowsService.exe.config.
- In the DataServicesWindowsService.exe.config file, add or change these keys as necessary for your environment.
Field Name Definition DbConnectionString
- Description:
- Specifies this connection string to connect to the database that contains the WF_DATA_TRACKING table. This table stores the output of the data tracking.
- Allowed Values:
- An appSettings key in the following format:
<add key="DbConnectionString" value="[database connection string]" />
- Default Value:
- None
- Example:
- <add key="DbConnectionString" value="server=demo3;database=AP_Data_Svcs;trusted_Connection=yes" />
- Description:
- Specifies the same value of the connection string that is configured for the
Data Services
For more information, refer to DataService AgileConnector.
This connection string to be used to connect to the database which contains WF_DATA_SERVICE_TEMPDB table that is completed by the AgileConnector with the before and after XML values.
- Allowed Values:
- An appSettings key in the following format:
<add key="TempDbConnectionString" value="[Database connection string which is configured for Data Services AgileConnector]" />
- Default Value:
- None
- Example:
- <add key="TempDbConnectionString" value="server=demo3;database=AP_Data_Svcs;trusted_Connection=yes" />.
- Description:
- Specifies the connection string to connect to the
that has the WF_DATA_SERVICE_ERRORDB table.
If Data Services has any errors while processing the WF_DATA_SERVICE_TEMPDB, it moves the records into the WF_DATA_SERVICE_ERRORDB table. You can see the list of errors in ERROR_DESC column of this table to fix the error before moving the records back to the WF_DATA_SERVICE_TEMPDB for reprocessing.
To move these records from WF_DATA_SERVICE_ERRORDB to WF_DATA_SERVICE_TEMPDB, use the utility, (AgilePoint Data Services installation folder) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePoint Data Services\DataServicesErrorUtility.exe.
- Allowed Values:
- An appSettings key in the following format:
<add key="ErrorDbConnectionString" value="[Database connection string]"/>
- Default Value:
- None
- Example:
- <add key="ErrorDbConnectionString" value="server=demo3;database=AP_Data_Svcs;trusted_Connection=yes"/>
- Description:
- Lets you set the value to true to activate the data population.
- Allowed Values:
- true - Turns on data population.
- false - Turns off data population.
- Default Value:
- true
- Description:
- Lets you set the value to true to activate the data tracking.
- Allowed Values:
- true - Turns on data tracking.
- false - Turns off data tracking.
- Default Value:
- true
- Description:
- The timer interval, in seconds, used by Data Services to check for new entries in the database.
- Allowed Values:
- An integer.
- A number of seconds
- Default Value:
- 150
- Description:
- Specifies an e-mail address to which to send
a notification
if an exception occurs in Data Services.
This setting is optional. If you do not create this key, no e-mail notifications are sent for Data Services exceptions.
- Allowed Values:
- An appSettings key in the following format:
<add key="FailureNotificationEmailID" value="[E-mail address]"/>
- Default Value:
- None
- Example:
- <add key="FailureNotificationEmailID" value=""/>
- Description:
- Specifies the maximum number of times Data Services
attempts to retry an operation if an exception occurs, such as AgilePoint Server failure, or SQL Server failure.
This setting is optional. If you do not add this key, Data Services retries an operation 10 times by default.
- Allowed Values:
- An appSettings key in the following format:
<add key="Max_Attempts_Before_Fail" value="[number of retry attempts]"/>
- Default Value:
- None
- Example:
- <add key="Max_Attempts_Before_Fail" value="20"/>