(Example) Configure a Document Transfer activity

This example shows how to configure a Document Transfer activity in a process-based app.

Background and Setup


This example shows how to add and configure a Document Transfer activity in the Employee Loan Approval app to store a copy of the supporting loan documents, such as proof of identity and proof of income.

When you add the Employee Loan Approval app from the App Store to the App Builder, and open the process, it looks like this:

Employee Loan Approval Preview
When you complete this example procedure, the finished process looks like this:

Employee Loan Approval Final

When the process starts, a Box repository stores the supporting loan documents.

Box repository

After the Document Transfer activity runs, a Dropbox repository stores the copy of the supporting loan documents.

Dropbox repository


  • This example uses the Employee Loan Approval app from the AgilePoint NX App Store.

    For more information, refer to How to Get the App

  • One of these account types:
    • Box Business account
    • Box Enterprise account
    • Box Personal account
  • One of these account types:
    • Dropbox Basic account
    • Dropbox Business account
  • Create an access token for Box. In this example, the access token name is Human Resources Box Account.

    For more information, refer to Access Token for Box.

  • Create an access token for Dropbox. In this example, the access token name is Finance Department Dropbox Account.

    For more information, refer to Access Token for Dropbox.

  • Create a folder in Box to store the supporting loan documents. In this example, the folder name is Human Resources Supporting Loan Documents.
  • Create a folder in Dropbox to store a copy for the supporting loan documents. In this example, the folder name is Finance Copy of Supporting Loan Documents.

Good to Know

  • Employee Loan Approval is an app where an employee can submit a loan request to an employer with supporting documents, such as proof of identity and proof of income.

    For the use case in this example, the Document Transfer activity is used to create and store a copy of the supporting loan documents for the company's Finance department in a different file repository. This use case shows the documents being transferred from Box to Dropbox.

Step 1: Configure the File Upload Form Control to Use Box

First, configure a File Upload form control in the Loan Request Form to use Box as the data source.

How to Start

  1. Click App Builder.

    Click App Builder
  2. On the App Builder Home screen, click All Apps.

    Click All Apps
  3. On the All Apps screen, on the Employee Loan Approval app, click Edit Edit icon.

    Click Edit
  4. On the App Details screen, hover over the Loan Request Form, and click Edit Edit icon.

    Click Edit


  1. On the Loan Request Form, put your cursor over the File Upload form control (The files will be listed here) to show the Form Control quick menu.

    File Upload form control
  2. Click Edit Properties Edit Properties icon.

    Edit File Upload form control
  3. On the Field Settings - File Upload screen, click the Configure tab.

    When you download the Employee Loan Approval app from the App Store, the Loan Request Form is configured with the file repository called Internal File Upload that uses Amazon S3 as the data source. This step shows how to configure Box as the data source. You can use a similar procedure to configure other data sources according to your business requirements.

    Configure tab
  4. On the Configure tab, in the Target File Repository list, select Please Select.

    Target File Repository
  5. Click Add Repository Add Repository icon.

    Add Target Repository
  6. On the Choose Document Repository screen, click Box.

  7. Click Next.
  8. On the Configure Action screen, in the Name field, enter Supporting Loan Documents for Human Resources.

    Supporting Loan Documents for Human Resources
  9. In the Access Token field, select Human Resources Box Account (Global).

    Human Resources Box Account Global
  10. In the Folder field, select Choose Folder Path.

    Optional: If you know the ID for your Box folder, select Dynamic Folder Path.

    Choose Folder Path
  11. In the Choose Folder Path field, select Human Resources Supporting Loan Documents.

    As a prerequisite, the Human Resources Supporting Loan Documents folder must exist in Box.

    Human Resources Supporting Loan Documents
  12. Click Finish.
  13. To save the changes, click Close Screen Close Screen icon.


    The eForm Builder screen shows.

    Loan Request Form
  14. On the Save quick menu, click Save and Check In Save and Check In icon.

    Save Loan Request Form

Step 2: Configure a Document Transfer Activity

Next, add and configure a Document Transfer activity.

How to Start

  1. On the App Details screen, hover over the Employee Loan Approval process model, and click Edit Edit icon.

    Click Edit
  2. In Process Builder, in the Activity Library, open the Document Document icon tab.

    Document Tab
  3. On the Document Document icon tab, drag the Document Transfer Document Transfer icon activity onto your process.

    Drag Document Transfer


  1. On the General Configuration screen, in the Display Name field, enter Copy Documents for Finance Department.

    Move Documents to Target Repository
  2. Click Next.
  3. On the Source Repository screen, select Box.

    Select Box
  4. Click Next.
  5. On the Source Repository Configuration screen, in the Box field, select Human Resources Box Account (Global).

    Human Resources Box Account Global
  6. In the Folder Path field, select Choose Folder Path.

    Choose Folder Path
  7. In the Choose Folder Path field, select Human Resources Supporting Loan Documents.

    Human Resources Supporting Loan Documents
  8. Click Next.
  9. On the Target Repository screen, select Dropbox.

    Select Dropbox
  10. Click Next.
  11. On the Target Repository Configuration screen, in the Dropbox field, select Finance Department Dropbox Account (Global).

    Finance Department Dropbox Account Global
  12. In the Folder Path field, select Choose Folder Path.

    Choose Folder Path
  13. In the Choose Folder Path field, select finance copy of supporting loan documents.

    As a prerequisite, the Finance Copy of Supporting Loan Documents folder must exist in Dropbox.

    Finance Copy of Supporting Loan Documents
  14. Select Create New Folder.

    Create New Folder
  15. In the Create New Folder field, drag the Name_u entity field from the Data Source (External) tab.

    This entity field represents the user's full name. This field is associated with the Name field on the Loan Request form.

    This setting stores the documents in a subfolder under Finance Copy of Supporting Loan Documents where the folder name is the the loan requester's full name.

    Drag Entity Field
  16. Click Finish.

    The Process Builder screen shows with the Document Tranfer activity.

    Employee Loan Approval Process Model

Step 4: (Optional) Run the App

Next, run the app.


  1. To run the app, refer to My Apps screen.
  2. Complete and submit the Employee Loan Request form.

    Loan Request form

    A box repository stores the loan supporting documents in Human Resources Supporting Loan Documents folder.

    Box repository
  3. On the My Tasks tab, open the Supervisor Approval task, complete the eForm, and submit.

    For more information, refer to Open a Task (Modern Work Center).

    A Dropbox repository stores the copy of the supporting loan documents in a separate folder in the name of the user's full name on the Finance Copy of Supporting Loan Documents folder.

    Dropbox repository

How to Get the App

This example is based on the Employee Loan Approval app from the AgilePoint NX App Store. Use this procedure to get the app.


Good to Know

  • This procedure is optional. It is provided so you can test the example with an out-of-the-box app.
  • This is part of the Background and Setup procedures, but many users preferred this step to appear after the example, not before it.


  1. Click App Store.

    App Store
  2. In the CATEGORY section, click Accounting and Finance.

    App Store Home screen
  3. Click the Employee Loan Approval app.

    Employee Loan Approval
  4. On the Employee Loan Approval screen, click Add.

    Add Employee Loan Approval
  5. On the Trust App screen, click Trust it.
  6. Click Return to site.