How Do I Assign a Task to More than One Participant?
In my application, I would like to assign a task to more than one participant, and when one person takes assignment for the task, delete the task from the task list of the other participants.
AgilePoint NX supports the concept of a task pool. A task can be assigned to a group of people (configured by the Participant screen of the human task activity, for example, by specifying a group). You can configure how many participants are actually needed to perform the task by setting the Max number of people to complete this task field of the activity.
If the value of the Max number of people to complete this task field is larger than the actual number of members in the group, all members in the group will be assigned with the tasks and they must all complete the tasks.
If the value of the Max number of people to complete this task field is smaller than the actual number of the members in the group, no tasks will be actually assigned to the participants. All tasks will be created with the status of New and will be considered as in the pool.
If a user click on the task, a Take Assignment screen is shown with the participants currently in the pool. The user can then accept the assignment and the task associated will have the status changed from New to Assigned. Once a task has the status of Assigned, the participant can do the task.

The AgilePoint Server will keep track of the number of people that have taken the assignment and compare to the Max number of people to complete this task value. If the value is reached, the task is not shown in the task list of the other participants automatically.
Thus, if you only want one person to do the task and the task to be deleted from the task list of other participants, set the Max number of people to complete this task value to 1.