Why Am I Unable to Import an App Larger than 10 MB?


An error occurs when importing an app with a size of more than 10 MB.


AgilePoint NX has a default file size limit of 10 MB for importing apps.


You can increase the value (maybe 15 MB or 20 MB) in this file:

(NX Portal installation folder - v8.0 and lower) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointWebApplication\AgilePointPortal\Modules\AgilePoint.Portal.AppBuilder\Content\PD.Settings.xml

Increase the value for the ApplicationImportMaxSize node. In this example, the value change to 15 MB:

 <Property Type="string">

If the app import file is more than 10 MB, it is recommended to divide the app into multiple apps. This will reduce the complexity of troubleshooting the app and help maintain good performance.

If you are still unable to import the app, contact AgilePoint Customer Support.