What Data Is Deleted When I Delete an App or Application Resource?

When you delete an application, an application resource, or a version of a resource in App Builder, its associated data is also deleted from the workflow database. This topic gives information about the behavior.

Good to Know

  • Before you delete an application or application resource, AgilePoint recommends you back up the resource and its data in the workflow database. To back up the data, contact your database administrator.
  • If you want to restore deleted data, contact your database administrator.

Delete an Application

When a user deletes an app, both the design time and runtime data are permanently deleted in AgilePoint NX.

This action deletes:

This action is disabled by default in AgilePoint NX. You must turn on Allow Deleting Application Permanently to Yes to delete an application.

For more information, refer to Process Builder screen (Settings).

Roll Back an Application to a Previous Version

When you roll back an application to its previous version, it deletes all versions of an application that are newer than the version you roll back.

This action deletes:

This action does not delete:

  • Any version of an application that are older than the version you roll back.

When you roll back an application version, it does not have any effect on access tokens. This includes both global access tokens and app level access tokens.

Delete a Process Model

When you delete a process model, it is deleted from all versions of its parent application.

This action deletes:

When you delete a process model, it does not have any effect on access tokens. This includes both global access tokens and app level access tokens.

Import an Application

When you import an application that already exists in AgilePoint NX, it replaces all application resource files in an application that exists and deletes all files which are not available in an application that you import.

This action deletes:

When you import an application that already exists in AgilePoint NX, an app level access token also gets imported if the application does not have an access token. If the application that exists in AgilePoint NX has an access token, then it does not have any effect on access tokens. This includes both global access tokens and app level access tokens.

Revert a File Version

When you revert a file in an application, it deletes all changes made to the application resource file since the last check in.

This action deletes:

  • A file in an application that is not checked in.
  • The contents or files (such as images) that are associated with the deleted file that have been added since the file was checked in.