How Can I Create a Receipt Card from an eForm?

To populate a receipt card in Microsoft Azure Bot Service, you must create an eForm with a specific data format. This topic gives an example for how to create eForm fields to populate a receipt card.

Create an eForm

To create an eForm with a data format that supports a receipt card attachment in Microsoft Azure Bot Service, do the procedure in this topic.

How to Start

  1. Open Process Builder.

    For information about how to open this screen, refer to Process Builder.

  2. Do one of these:
    • Add an activity:
      1. In Process Builder, in the Activity Library, open the eForms tab.

        Open eForm tab
      2. On the eForms tab, drag any human task activity onto your process.
    • Change an activity:
      1. In your process, double-click your activity.
  3. On the configuration screen, click Add New Form.


  1. On the Form Details screen, in the Form Name field, enter Receipt Card Attachment.

    Form Details screen
  2. Click Next.
  3. On the Choose Form Layout screen, click Blank Form.

    Choose Form Layout screen
  4. Click Finish.
  5. On the eForm Builder screen, in the Tool Box, open the Common Controls Common Controls icon tab.

    Common Controls tab
  6. Create a repeating subform for Facts, do the procedure in this topic
    1. On the Common Controls tab, drag a Subform (Legacy) Subform icon form control onto your eForm.

      Form Designer screen
    2. In the Label field, enter Facts.

      Subform General tab
    3. Click the Configure tab.

      Configure tab
    4. In the Display Style list, select Columns.

    5. Select Repeatable.

    6. To save the changes, click Close Screen Close Screen icon.
    7. On the Form Control Quick Menu, click Design Subform Design Subform icon.

      Design Subform screen
    8. The eForm Builder shows the Facts subform with 2 columns.

      Design Subform screen
    9. On the Facts subform, click the Common Controls Common Controls icon tab.
    10. On the Common Controls tab, drag a Text Box Text Box icon form control onto your subform.
    11. On the Field Setting - Text Box screen, click the General tab.

      Text Box General tab
    12. In the Label field, enter Fact Key.

      Text Box General tab
    13. In the Internal Name field, enter FactKey.

      Text Box General tab
    14. To save the changes, click Close Screen Close Screen icon.
    15. On the Facts subform, click the Common Controls Common Controls icon tab.
    16. On the Common Controls tab, drag a Text Box Text Box icon form control onto your subform.
    17. On the Field Setting - Text Box screen, click the General tab.

      Text Box General tab
    18. In the Label field, enter Fact Value.

      Text Box General tab
    19. In the Internal Name field, enter FactValue.

      Text Box General tab
    20. To save the changes, click Close Screen Close Screen icon.
    21. The eForm Builder shows the Fact Key and Fact Value fields for the Facts subform.

      Common Controls tab
  7. Create a repeating subform for Items, do the procedure in this topic
    1. On the Common Controls tab, drag a Subform (Legacy) Subform icon form control onto your eForm.
      Form Designer screen
    2. In the Label field, enter Items.

      Subform General tab
    3. Click the Configure tab.

      Configure tab
    4. In the Display Style list, select Columns.

    5. Select Repeatable.

    6. To save the changes, click Close Screen Close Screen icon.
    7. On the Form Control Quick Menu, click Design Subform Design Subform icon.

      Design Subform screen
    8. The eForm Builder shows the Items subform.

      Common Controls tab
    9. Click Add Column Add Column icon 1 time.
    10. The eForm Builder shows the Items subform with 3 columns.

      Design Subform screen
    11. On the Items subform, click the Common Controls Common Controls icon tab.
    12. On the Common Controls tab, drag a Text Box Text Box icon form control onto your subform.
    13. On the Field Setting - Text Box screen, click the General tab.

      Text Box General tab
    14. In the Label field, enter Title.

    15. In the Internal Name field, enter Title.

      Text Box General tab
    16. To save the changes, click Close Screen Close Screen icon.
    17. On the Items subform, click the Common Controls Common Controls icon tab.
    18. On the Common Controls tab, drag a Text Box Text Box icon form control onto your subform.
    19. On the Field Setting - Text Box screen, click the General tab.

      Text Box General tab
    20. In the Label field, enter Subtitle.
      Text Box General tab
    21. In the Internal Name field, enter Subtitle.

      Text Box General tab
    22. To save the changes, click Close Screen Close Screen icon.
    23. On the Items subform, click the Common Controls Common Controls icon tab.
    24. On the Common Controls tab, drag a Currency Currency icon form control onto your subform.
    25. On the Field Setting - Text Box screen, click the General tab.

      Currency General tab
    26. In the Label field, enter Price.
      Currency General tab
    27. In the Internal Name field, enter Price.

      Currency General tab
    28. To save the changes, click Close Screen Close Screen icon.
    29. The eForm Builder shows the Title, Subtitle, and Price fields for the Items subform.

      Common Controls tab

Configure the Receipt Card Attachment activity

This procedure explains how to map the form fields to the activity.

How to Start

  1. Open Process Builder.

    For information about how to open this screen, refer to Process Builder.

    Open Process Builder
  2. In Process Builder, in the Activity Library open the MS Azure Bot Service tab.

    Open MS Azure Bot Service tab
  3. On the MS Azure Bot Service tab, drag the Receipt Card Attachment activity onto your process.

    Drag Receipt Card Attachment activity
  4. Click Receipt Card Attachment Configuration Receipt Card Attachment Configuration icon.
  5. On the Receipt Card Attachment Configuration screen, click the Item Config tab.


  1. On the Items Config tab, in the Select the repeating data node that will contain the Facts data field, drag Facts from Process Data > Form Data.

    Facts is a name of the subform you created.

    Receipt Card Attachment Configuration Item Config tab
  2. In the Fact field, select FactKey from the list.

    FactKey is the internal name of a sub-field in the Facts subform.

    Receipt Card Attachment Configuration Item Config tab
  3. In the Fact Value field, select FactValue from the list.

    FactKey is the internal name of a sub-field in the Facts subform.

    Receipt Card Attachment Configuration Item Config tab
  4. In the Select the repeating data node that will contain the Items data field, drag Items from Process Data > Form Data.

    Items is a name of the subform you created.

    Receipt Card Attachment Configuration Item Config tab
  5. In the Title field, select Title from the list.

    Title is the internal name of a sub-field in the Items subform.

    Receipt Card Attachment Configuration Item Config tab
  6. In the Subtitle field, select Subtitle from the list.

    Subtitle is the internal name of a sub-field in the Items subform.

    Receipt Card Attachment Configuration Item Config tab
  7. In the Price field, select Price from the list.

    Price is the internal name of a sub-field in the Items subform.

    Receipt Card Attachment Configuration Item Config tab
  8. Click Finish.