Pass Milestone activity
An activity that, when used together with the Wait For Milestone activity, lets a process wait for an event that is not in the process, and then continue once the event is complete. For example, if an activity can not start until an approval occurs in a subprocess, you can use this activity to control the process based on that event..

Configure the Pass Milestone activity
To configure the Pass Milestone activity, do the procedure in this topic.
- (Example) Configure a Pass Milestone Activity in the Human Resources Leave Verification Subprocess
- Examples - Step-by-step use case examples, information about what types of examples are provided in the AgilePoint NX Product Documentation, and other resources where you can find more examples.
Good to Know
- In most text fields, you can use process data variables as an alternative to literal data values.
- This section shows the configuration settings on the configuration screens for this activity. Other configuration settings apply to system activities. For more information, refer to:
- You can configure whether this activity waits for other activities before it runs.
For more information, refer to How Do I Configure an Activity to Wait for Other Incoming Activities?
How to Start
- Open Process Builder.
For information about how to open this screen, refer to Process Builder.
- In Process Builder, in the Activity Library,
open the Utilities tab.
- On the Utilities tab,
drag the Pass Milestone
activity onto your process.
- Complete the fields on the General Configuration screen.
- (Optional) Click Advanced
> Email Notifications
For more information, refer to Email Notifications screen (Process Activities).
General Configuration
Specifies the basic settings for the Pass Milestone activity.

Field Name | Definition |
Display Name |
Description |