Add New Event Service Screen > Scheduled Service Screen

Starts a process based on a specified schedule.

Figure: Add New Event Service > Scheduled Service screen

Add New Event Service Scheduled Service screen


Good to Know

  • This feature is not available for AgilePoint OnDemand.
  • The Event Service AgileConnector must be added via the AgilePoint Server Configuration utility before using the Event Service.

How to Start

  1. In Manage Center, click System System icon > Events Service.

    Open Event Service screen
  2. On the Events Service screen, click Add Event Service Add Event Service icon
  3. On the Add New Event Service Screen > Select Type of Event Service, select Scheduled Service.
  4. Click Next.
  5. On the Add New Event Service screen, complete the fields ​as necessary.
  6. Click Next.


Field NameDefinition

Start Date

Specifies the date and time the process instance starts.
Allowed Values:
A date and time from the date picker.
Default Value:

No End Date / End Date

Specifies the date and time to stop the process instance.
Allowed Values:
  • No End Date - Specifies the process instance does not have a date to stop.
  • End Date - Specifies the date and time the process instance stops.
Default Value:
No End Date

On the day of the event, it will occur

Opens this Screen:
Specifies whether to start the process instance at a set time or after a set number of hours or minutes.
Allowed Values:
  • Once At - Starts the process instance at a specified time.
  • Every - Starts the process instance after a set number of hours or minutes.
  • Specific Hours/Minutes - Starts the process instance within the specified hours or minutes.
Default Value:
Refer to:

What days will this event occur on?

Specifies that on what days to start the process instance.
Allowed Values:
  • Every Day - The process instance starts on every specified day.
  • Which Month - The process instance starts on which of the month.
  • Specific Days - The process instance starts on specific days.
Default Value:

What months will this event occur on?

Specifies in which months to start the process instance.
Allowed Values:
  • Every Month - Starts the process instance each month.
  • Which Day of the Month - Starts the process instance in the specified day of the month.
  • Specific Month - Starts the process instance in the specified month.
Default Value:

Enable Scheduled Event

Specifies if the scheduled service trigger is active.
Allowed Values:
  • Selected - The scheduled service trigger is active.
  • Deselected - The scheduled service trigger is inactive.
Default Value: