Language Editor screen

Creates, changes, or deletes a language to use in eForms.

Adds language files that you can use in your eForms. You can specify the custom keys from these files to add locale text to your eForm. For example, you can change the Save button text in a language that the user selects, such as Chinese or French.

Figure: Language Editor screen

Language Editor screen

Video: Manage Your Organization


How to Start

  1. Click Manage.

    Click Manage
  2. In Manage Center, click App Builder > eForms Settings.

    Click eForms Settings
  3. On the eForms Settings screen, click Language.

    Click Language


Field NameDefinition
Back Back icon
Goes to the previous screen.

Add a New Language

Opens this Screen:
Add a New Language screen
Function of this Screen:
Creates a new language for your eForm.
Refer to:


Deletes the selected language.
To Open this Field:
  1. Select a language.


Opens this Screen:
Import Language screen
Function of this Screen:
Imports a language specified in a JSON file.


Opens this Screen:
Export Language screen
Function of this Screen:
Exports a JSON file with the specified language.