Add New CSS File screen
Creates an empty CSS file in Page Builder where you can create a custom CSS snippet to use on your custom pages.

- You must be a member of the Page Owners or Page Designers permission group.
For more information, refer to Page Builder Security Overview.
- AgilePoint NX OnDemand (public cloud), or AgilePoint NX PrivateCloud or AgilePoint NX OnPremises v7.0 or higher.
Good to Know
- When you complete this screen, a CSS snippet file is added to the CSS library where you can create a custom CSS snippet to use on your custom pages.
How to Start
- Click Page Builder.
- On the Home screen, in the left pane,
click Library
- In the left pane, click
- On the CSS screen, click Add CSS.
Field Name | Definition |
Display Name |
Internal Name |
Description |
Add |