Images screen

Configures a custom image in Page Builder.

Figure: Images screen

Images screen

Video: Advanced Page Builder Features


How to Start

  1. Click Page Builder.

    Build Pages
  2. On the Home screen, in the left pane, click Library.

    Click Library
  3. In the left pane, click Images.

    Click Images


Field NameDefinition

Add Image

Opens this Screen:
Add Image File Screen
Function of this Screen:
Creates a custom image file in Page Builder to use on your custom pages.

Sort By

Specifies the sort order for the image files.
Allowed Values:
  • Name - Sorts the image files in ascending, alphabetical order by file name.
  • Modified Date - Sorts the image files by the dates they were last modified.
  • Created Date - Sorts the image files by the dates they were created.
Default Value: