Zendesk tab
This section gives full information about the activities on the Zendesk tab.
- AgilePoint NX OnDemand (public cloud), or AgilePoint NX Private Cloud or AgilePoint NX OnPremises v7.0 or higher.
Good to Know
- Some information about third-party integrations is outside the scope of the AgilePoint NX Product Documentation. It is the responsibility of the vendors who create and maintain these technologies to provide this information. This includes specific business use cases and examples; explanations for third-party concepts; details about the data models and input and output data formats for third-party technologies; and various types of IDs, URL patterns, connection string formats, or other technical information that is specific to the third-party technologies. For more information, refer to Where Can I Find Information and Examples for Third-Party Integrations?
Activities in Process Builder
You can use out-of-the-box activities for Zendesk to execute actions in process-based apps.
An activity is a functional unit, or task, in a process-based app. Activities that integrate with a third-party system provide access to the API functionality for that system in a simple, point-and-click, form-entry format. This means that you can easily leverage APIs without writing code.

The following activities are available for Zendesk:
- Activate User
- Change User
- Create Organization
- Create Ticket
- Create Ticket Comment
- Create User
- Delete Organizations
- Delete Tickets
- Delete Users
- Get Organizations
- Get Tickets
- Get Users
- Set User Password
- Suspend User
- Update Organization
- Update User
For more information, refer to the process activities for Zendesk in Process Builder.