Page Owners (permission group)

Page Owners manage daily usage, maintenance, and monitoring of the custom pages they own. Different pages can have different Page Owners. Page Owners are the point of contact for users related to page usage, daily monitoring, and so on. Page Owners are also responsible for assigning page level permissions to other users who use the custom page.

Background and Setup

Video: Page Builder Permissions

Video: Advanced Page Builder Features

Page Owners Permission

Permission GroupPermissions

Page Owners

(Permission Group)

Page Owners is a permission group for users and groups who have full access rights for a custom page in Page Builder.

If a custom page has one or more Page Owners, this permission group overrides the Page Owners configured in Manage Center.

This permission group has these permissions for a specific custom page:
  • Manage permission groups.
  • Check out and check in pages on behalf of other users.
  • Delete page.
  • View the audit log for a custom page.
  • These permissions from Page Designers:
    • View a page in Page Builder.

      This only applies to pages where the user has Page Designer permissions or higher. A Page Designer assigned at the level of a specific page can not view pages where they do not have Page Designer permissions.

    • Preview page.
    • Edit page.
    • Create or change menus.
    • Add or change custom CSS.
    • Save page.
    • Publish page.
    • Check in and check out page.
    • Roll back page version.
    • Import page.
    • Export page.
  • These permissions from Page Viewers:
    • View page.

How to Start

  1. Open the Custom Page Design screen.

    For information about how to open this screen, refer to Custom Page Design screen.

    Open Custom Page
  2. Click Ellipses (...) > Permissions.


Page Owners > Manage Permission Group

Specifies the users and groups who are Page Owners for all AgilePoint NX portal pages.

Figure: Manage Permission Groups screen (Page Owners)

Manage Permission Groups screen
Field NameDefinition

Permission Group

Shows the name of the permission group to which to add the users or groups.

The value for this field depends on the permission group you selected on the Security screen > Permissions tab.

Allowed Values:
Read only.

All Users

Specifies whether all AgilePoint users and groups are Page Owners.
Allowed Values:
Default Value:

Show Audit Log

Shows the audit log for the Page Owners permission group.

Download Audit Log

Downloads the audit log for the Page Owners permission groups as a Microsoft Excel file to your local machine.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Manage Permission Groups screen, click Show Audit Log.

Hide Audit Log

Hides the audit log for the Page Owners permission group.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Manage Permission Groups screen, click Show Audit Log.

Add Members

Opens this Screen:
Select Members screen
Function of this Screen:
Adds the specified users or groups to the Page Owners permission group.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Manage Permission Group screen, turn off the All Users field.

User Name

Shows the name of the users or groups that are Page Owners.
Allowed Values:
Read only.


Shows whether the type is user or group in the Page Owners permission group.
Allowed Values:
Read only.

Delete Member Delete icon

Deletes the specified user or group in the Page Owners permission group.

Select Members screen

Adds members to a permission group.

Figure: Select Members screen

Select Members screen


Field NameDefinition

Search Users / Search Groups

Specifies whether to search users or groups to add to the permission group.
Allowed Values:
  • Search Users - Searches users to add for permission group.
  • Search Groups - Searches groups to add for permission group.

Search Search Data Entities Page Builder icon

Does a search based on the specified text.
Refer to: