Salesforce Configuration screen
Configures a Salesforce entity as your data source.
How to Start
- In the Application Explorer, in the My Applications pane, expand [Application Name] > Processes.
- Click your process name.
- Do one of these:
- In the content pane, double-click Schema.
- Select Schema.xsd
- Click Edit .
- In the content pane, double-click Process Model.
- Double-click your process.
- Click Form Data .
- On the Data screen, in the Data Source, click Edit .
- In the content pane, double-click Schema.
- On the Data Model screen, click Add Data Source .
- On the Select Primary Data Source screen, select Salesforce .
- Click Next.
Salesforce Configuration screen > Configuration tab
Configures how to collect data from Salesforce for your application or process.
Field Name | Definition |
Data Source Name |
Salesforce |
Add Token |
Custom Entities Only |
Primary Entity Name |
Autosave data in Salesforce |
Allow to save a copy of data in AgilePoint NX |
Use Logged in User Credentials |
Salesforce Configuration screen > Fields tab
Specifies the fields from your Salesforce entity to use in your application or process.
- Complete the Salesforce Configuration screen > Configuration tab.
Field Name | Definition |
Check box |
Display Name |
Data Type |
Lookup Key |
Mandatory |
Unique |
Salesforce Configuration screen > Related Entity
Specifies related entity to use on your application or process for Salesforce.
- Complete the Salesforce Configuration screen > Configuration tab.
- The Related Entity tab is available if the primary entity has a related entity.
Field Name | Definition |
Check box |
Primary Entity Name |
Primary Entity Key Field |
Related Entity |
Dependent Field |
Field |