Where Are the AgilePoint NX OnPremises Logs?

This topic gives reference information for the log files for errors and events in AgilePoint NX OnPremises environments.



The following table provides a list of AgilePoint logs and the locations where they are recorded.

Log TypeLocationInformation in this Log More Information

AgilePoint Server Logs

On the AgilePoint Server machine:

(AgilePoint Server instance installation folder) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointServerInstance\log

Informational, warning, and/or error messages about the server and the workflow engine.

AgileConnector Logs

On the AgilePoint Server machine:

(AgilePoint Server installation folder) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePoint Server\log\AgileConnector

Information about execution of activities in the SharePoint tab.

Failures in the SPSIntegration AgileConnector are recorded under AgileConnector [(Info/Debug/Error)] logs.

SAP AgileConnector Logs

On the AgilePoint Server machine:

(AgilePoint Server installation folder) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePoint Server\log\SAPAgileConnector

Information about execution of SAP activities in the SAPIntegration stencil.

Failures of SAP activities are recorded under SAPAgileConnector [(Info/Debug/Error)] logs.

  • This is applicable to SAP Integration users only.

SPSIntegration Logs

On the primary SharePoint Server machine.

You can find the log location using the AgilePoint Configuration List.

Errors that occur in connection to SharePoint from a process

Event Logs

Failures are written in the Event log files both in AgilePoint Server and SharePoint Server.

Information about particular events that occurred during the execution of the process instance.

AgilePoint Clustering Server Manager Logs

On the AgilePoint Server machine:

(AgilePoint Clustering Server Manager installation folder) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePoint Clustering Server Manager\log

  • This is applicable to AgilePoint Clustering Server Manager (CSM or NLB) users only.

SPCSOMAgileConnector Logs

On the AgilePoint Server machine:

(AgilePoint Server installation folder) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePoint Server\log

Errors that occur in SharePoint activities.

ULS Logs

On the AgilePoint Server machine:

[SharePoint server port number folder]\log

Issues that occur in the SharePoint environment. Error messages shown to the user with a Correlation ID.
  • SharePoint ULS Logs can be searched using the Correlation ID to get the detailed error messages.

Event Viewer

On the AgilePoint Server machine:

Click Start menu > Search Box > Run > enter eventvwr > Applications and Services Logs > AgilePoint.

AgilePoint Portal Logs

On the AgilePoint Server machine:

(NX Portal installation folder - v9.0 and higher) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointPortalInstance\log

Informational, warning, and/or error messages about the AgilePoint NX Portal and IdP.

AgilePoint Portal Instance Windows Service Logs

On the AgilePoint Server machine:

(NX Portal installation folder - v9.0 and higher) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointPortalInstance\windows-service\portal\logs

Informational and error messages about the Windows service.

Android App Logs

Within the AgilePoint NX app for Android on the Android device.

  • Exceptions that occur in the Android app.
  • Interactions with APIs.

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