How Do I Customize the Path for the Portal Auth_log File?

To customize the path for theAuth_log file in AgilePoint NX Portal, do the procedure in this topic.

How to Start

  1. In a text editor, open this file:

    (NX Portal installation folder - v9.0 and higher) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointPortalInstance\config\web.yaml


  1. In the file web.config, add or change this key to the <appSettings> node:
    Field NameDefinition


    Specifies the location for the Auth_log file in AgilePoint NX Portal .
    Allowed Values:
    An appSettings key in the following format:

    <add key="LogFileFolder" value="[absolute path to your log file folder]" />

    Default Value:
    (AgilePoint Server installation folder) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePoint Server\AgilePointPortal\App_Data\Logs
    <add key="LogFileFolder" value="c:\Users\Portal\Auth_Log" />
  2. Save the file.
  3. Restart the Windows service for the AgilePoint Server instance.