Clone View screen

Creates a custom view that is a copy of another custom view for apps.

Figure: Clone View screen

Clone View screen


How to Start

  1. Click Work Center.

    Click Work Center
  2. In the left pane, click App Views > [View Name].

    Click Custom App View
  3. On the App View screen, click Manage View Manage View icon > Clone.

    Click Clone Custom App View


Field NameDefinition

View Name

Specifies the name that shows for the custom view you cloned on the App Views tab.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).


  • Letters
  • Numbers
  • Spaces
  • Special characters
Default Value:

Support for Unicode characters are available in these releases:

Show View For These Groups

Specifies a list of groups to whom to show the custom view on the App Views tab.

This setting can also be used to limit access to the custom view that do not apply to the groups in Modern Work Center.

Allowed Values:
One or more group names from the list.
Default Value:

Show Filters

Specifies whether to show the Filters option on the custom view so that you can specify a condition to filter the apps.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows the Filters option on the custom view to filter the apps.
  • Off - Hides the Filters option on the custom view.
Default Value:

Show View Only In Page Builder Widget

Specifies whether to show the custom view only on the Work Center (Modern) widget in Page Builder.
Allowed Values:
  • On - The custom view shows only in the Work Center (Modern) widget in Page Builder. It does not show in Modern Work Center.

    For more information, refer to Work Center (Modern) Widget screen.

  • Off - The custom view shows in both the Work Center (Modern) widget and Modern Work Center.
Default Value:


Specifies whether the custom view can be used on the App Views tab in Modern Work Center and the Work Center (Modern) widget in Page Builder.
Allowed Values:
  • On - The custom view can be used in Modern Work Center and Page Builder.
  • Off - Hides the custom view in Modern Work Center and Page Builder, and it can not be used.
Default Value:


Creates a custom view that is a copy of another custom view for apps.