Verify IIS 6 Management Compatibility Role Service

To verify the IIS 6 Management Compatibility Role Service, ​ do the procedure in this topic.

This is required for all web-based applications — for example, AgilePoint NX Portal or SharePoint Integration — but needs to be completed only once per machine where the web-based applications are running.

Good to Know

  • The procedures in this topic describe the procedure in Windows Server 2008. These procedures change slightly between Windows versions, but the concepts are the same.

How to Start

  1. On the AgilePoint Server machine, open Windows Server Manager.


  1. In Windows Server Manager, click Roles > Add Roles, and select the roles Application Server and Web Server (IIS).
  2. Click Roles > Web Server (IIS) > Add Role Services, and make sure the Role Service for IIS 6 Management Compatibility (and its children) is added.