Database tab
Specifies the configuration of the databases AgilePoint Server uses to store data.
How to Start
- On the AgilePoint Server machine,
in Windows Explorer, right-click the file
(AgilePoint Server installation folder)
C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePoint Server\WCFConfigurationUtility.exe,
and click Run as Administrator.
- On the AgilePoint Server Manager screen, in
the left pane, select your AgilePoint Server instance.
- Click Open Server Configuration
- On the AgilePoint Server Configuration screen, click the Database tab.
Main Database
Specifies the connection to the AgilePoint workflow database to store the data for processes. The main database is workflow database.

Field Name | Definition |
Database Type |
Encrypt Database Setting |
User Name |
Password |
Integrated Security |
Database Server |
Database Name |
Connection Pool Size |
Archive Database
Specifies the connection to the Archive database to store backup of your application data.

Field Name | Definition |
Database Type |
Encrypt Database Setting |
User Name |
Password |
Integrated Security |
Database Server |
Database Name |
Archive Completed Process In |
Data Entities Database
Specifies the connection to the Data Entities database to store the data.

Field Name | Definition |
Database Type |
Encrypt Database Setting |
User Name |
Password |
Integrated Security |
Database Server |
Database Name |
Connection Pool Size |