Manage AgilePoint NX Portal Configuration Utility screen
Configures the connection between AgilePoint NX Portal and AgilePoint Server.

Good to Know
- The Manage AgilePoint NX Portal Configuration Utility lets you enter configuration information for your NX Portal server. The following limitations apply:
- You can enter a first-time database configuration (Initialize) or update an existing configuration (Update). Usually this utility is used to update an existing configuration because the initial configuration is created during installation.
- If you update an existing configuration, the utility does not retrieve the existing information. This utility lets you set the configuration for a new database connection string, but it does not retrieve or parse the existing connection string, if one exists.
- This utility configures a single tenant environment. If you want to change the configuration for a multi-tenant environment, contact AgilePoint Professional Services.
How to Start
- On the Portal installation machine, open the folder (NX Portal installation folder) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointWebApplication\AgilePointPortal\bin.
- Right-click the file AgilePointNXPortalManagement.exe, and click Run as Administrator.
Field Name | Definition |
Database Type |
User |
Password |
Integrated Security |
Database Server |
Get Database |
Portal Database |
Tenant Database | |
Initialize |
Update |
AgilePoint REST URL |
Update REST URL |