Performance Benchmark
The purpose of this document is to help businesses conduct a Benchmark Analysis on AgilePoint NX performance
under load. This document provides guidance on how to make an assessment of the impact on AgilePoint NX
performance based on different factors like:
- Number of process instances running concurrently.
- Number of users concurrently making an API call to AgilePoint NX.
- Performance analysis of the module to login to AgilePoint NX Portal.
- Render the task list.
- Render the task forms under load.
Primary Objective
The primary objective of the AgilePoint NX Benchmark Analysis is to provide stakeholders with information that supports an acceptable level of AgilePoint NX performance given the AgilePoint NX suite is installed.Performance has been carried out under 3 categories:
- AgilePoint Server performance
- AgilePoint API performance
- AgilePoint NX Portal UI performance