Language Editor > Custom tab

Lets you specify the custom key to add locale text to your eForm.

Figure: Language Editor > Custom tab

Language Editor Custom tab

How to Start

  1. In the Manage Center, click App Builder App Builder icon > eForms Settings.
  2. On the eForms Settings screen, click Language Language icon
  3. On the Add a New Language screen, click Next.
  4. Click the Custom tab.


Field Name Definition
Back Back icon
Goes to the previous screen.
Add Custom Key Add Custom Key icon
Specifies the custom key and its value.


Specifies the reference name of the custom key.

When you create a custom key, it shows on the Process Data > Global Translation Keys.

Accepted Values:
One line of text that can have spaces.

You can edit the custom key in your default language only.

Default Value:

Current Value

Specifies the locale text for the custom key.
Accepted Values:
One line of text that can have spaces.
Default Value:


Opens this Screen:
Saves the changes.
Delete Custom Key Delete Custom Key icon
Deletes a custom key.

You can only delete a custom key from the default language.

Rename Custom Key Rename Custom Key icon
Renames a custom key.

You can only rename a custom key in the default language.