How Do I Add New AgilePoint Configuration Settings in the SharePoint Dashboard for Microsoft 365?
When you add the Dashboard App Part or Web Part, a new SharePoint list is added called the AgilePoint Configuration List, which stores the configuration settings for the Dashboard. To create a new AgilePoint Configuration List item, do the procedure in this topic.
- AgilePoint NX Dashboard is installed. For more information, refer to Add the AgilePoint NX App to a SharePoint Site.
- These instructions are for SharePoint for Microsoft 365.
Good to Know
- When you add an item to the AgilePoint Configuration List, it must follow the exact name and values in for the Configuration List for your version of SharePoint:
- You must change the values in the list items before you can use SharePoint Integration.
- For all
AgilePoint Configuration List settings, the following values apply:
- Application - This value must be AgilePoint.
- Encrypted - If you select this option, data associated with this setting is encrypted to and from SharePoint. This setting is optional except in these conditions:
- If your AgilePoint Server instance is configured to use HTTP or HTTPS, the ImpersonatorPass setting must be encrypted.
- New AgilePoint Configuration list items do not get added to the configuration list when you upgrade the version of the AgilePoint Intelligent Process Automation.
- On the AgilePoint Configuration list, click New Item.
- In the Title field, enter the title of the configuration list item to create.
- In the AP Setting Value field, enter the value of the configuration list item to create.
- (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description or comments.