Reserve Port Numbers for AgilePoint Components

AgilePoint NX requires certain port numbers to be available for various AgilePoint components and services.

Good to Know

  • Once your installation is complete, you must set up firewall rules to accommodate all of these ports.
  • All port numbers depend upon whether you are installing the associated AgilePoint NX component.

AgilePoint Port Numbers

Field Name Definition

WSHttp Port

A free, unique port AgilePoint Server can use for WSHttp binding.

This field is required.

Accepted Values:
A port number on your machine for WSHttp binding.
Default Value:

TCP Port

A free, unique port AgilePoint Server can use for TCP binding.

This field is required.

Accepted Values:
A port number on your machine for TCP binding.
Default Value:

BasicHttp Port

A free, unique port AgilePoint Server can use for BasicHttp binding.

This field is required.

Accepted Values:
A port number on your machine for BasicHttp binding.
Default Value:


A free, unique port AgilePoint Server can use for REST API calls.
Accepted Values:
A port number on your machine for REST API calls.
Default Value:

AgilePoint NX Portal

A free, unique port AgilePoint Server can use for connection of client (end user) web browsers to the NX Portal.
Accepted Values:
A port number on your machine for AgilePoint NX Portal.
Default Value:

Report Center

A free, unique port AgilePoint Server can use for connection to the Report Center component.
Note: The current version of Report Center (sometimes referred to as AgileReports) can only be used by customers who purchased this component before April 1, 2020. This version is no longer available for purchase, including by current and previous purchasers of AgilePoint NX or the Report Center component. AgilePoint plans to release the new version of Report Center in Q3 2020.
Accepted Values:
A port number on your machine for AgilePoint NX Report Center.

This port requires access for all of your users who use reports through the NX Portal.

Default Value: