Tenant Administrator

A tenant administrator is required only for multi-tenant installations. Each tenant can have a separate tenant administrator who is the primary custodian of tenant-specific maintenance tasks. This user is involved during tenant setup, managing the tenant on daily basis, assigning others permission to use the tenant, monitoring alerts for the tenant, and so on.

This function is usually fulfilled by someone from IT team who manages other servers in your environment. Once the installation is complete, the tenant administrator is required part-time. Tenant administration tasks typically do not require a full-time administrator.

Tenant Administrator Permissions

This table shows the required permissions for the tenant administrator on the AgilePoint Server machine.

System Permissions Notes

AgilePoint Server service instances

  • Create an instance
  • Delete an instance
  • Configure AgilePoint Server
  • Start or stop an instance

AgilePoint NX Portal tenants

NX Portal Administrator

The NX Portal Administrator is a special role that can only be assigned to one AgilePoint ID in an instance of NX Portal. In the NX Portal, this user is referred to as the System Administrator.

By default, in AgilePoint NX OnDemand (public cloud) the NX Portal Administrator is the user who submits the initial request for the tenant. In AgilePoint NX OnPremises or AgilePoint NX PrivateCloud, the AgilePoint NX System Administrator (AgilePoint System Account) assigns the tenant administrator when he or she provisions the tenant.

This table shows the permissions for the NX Portal Administrator.

Applies to Deployment Types


System Permissions Notes

AgilePoint NX Portal tenant

  • An AgilePoint NX Portal instance can have only one Administrator of this type.
  • Only the current NX Portal Administrator can change the NX Portal Administrator.

    For more information, refer to How Do I Change the NX Portal Administrator?

How To Create or Change the NX Portal Administrator

System Administrator Role

System administrator is the common administrator role for the AgilePoint NX Portal. Any registered AgilePoint NX user can be assigned the system administrator role. There is no limit to the number of users who can be assigned the system administrator role. The system administrator role is subordinate to the NX Portal Administrator.

Note: The system administrator role is different from the AgilePoint NX System Administrator. The AgilePoint NX System Administrator is one person, independent of any accounts or permissions. System administrator is a security role that can be assigned to any NX Portal user.

This table shows the permissions for the system administrator role.

Applies to Deployment Types


System Permissions Notes

AgilePoint NX Portal tenant

  • You can have more than one AgilePoint NX account with the system administrator role.
  • You can add administrator role types with different access rights. The default system administrator role is not the only type of administrator role that you can create in the NX Portal.
  • For more information, refer to Add System Administrators

How To Add the System Administrator Role to a User or Group

  • By default, in OnPremises or PrivateCloud environments, the NX Portal Administrator is assigned the System Administrator role when you install AgilePoint NX.
  • By default, in OnDemand environments, the system administrator role is assigned to the first user added to an environment when you sign up for AgilePoint NX environment.
  • To add the system administrator role to other users or groups, refer to Add System Administrators.

Security Group Administrators

A security group is a set of permissions for functional areas within AgilePoint NX, such as apps or Data Entities. By default, the NX Portal Administrator has the highest level of permissions for all of these secuirty groups. Effectively, the NX Portal Administrator is also the default administrator for all security groups.

This table shows the permissions for the administrators of each secuirty group in AgilePoint NX.

Applies to Deployment Types

Security Group Types

Security Group Definition More Information

Enable Application Permission Control

The user who creates a form-based app or process-based app becomes an application owner by default. Other users can not see the application in the App Builder. The application owner must add application owners or designers on the Permission Settings screen.

Lets you set access rights specific to an application as an alternative to applying access controls to all applications in your AgilePoint NX environment.

When you enable this feature, it only applies to new applications, not the applications that already exist. To apply application level permissions to your existing applications, you can change the settings for those applications as necessary..

Entity Global Permission Managers

A global entity permissions manager is a user or group who has full permissions read, edit, create, and delete records for all entities in AgilePoint NX Data Entities, and can also manage permissions for other users and groups on all entities.

The entity owner role gives similar permissions for an individual entity in Data Entities.

Manage Global Permission

Manage global permission is a type of user or group who has full permissions for all pages in AgilePoint NX Page Builder. The members of manage global permission security group can add page, edit, check out and check in the page on behalf of other users, save, preview, publish, rollback, and delete page, and can also manage permissions for other users and groups on all pages. They can also create and edit menus and CSS snippets.

The page owner role gives similar permissions for an individual page in Page Builder.